Page 41 of My One & Goalie
He smooths my hair away from my eyes, stroking my tender cheek.
“That asshole left a mark. Take photos for evidence.”
“You’re right.”
Xander snaps a few photos and then I dial my divorce lawyer, Grant. I feel badly it’s after hours, but this is an emergency.
“Hello?” Grant answers, and hot embarrassment floods through me.
“Hi, Grant. This is Rachel Allen. Sorry to bother you so late in the evening.”
“Hi, Rachel. It’s fine. What can I do for you?”
Taking a quick breath, I spill all the details of my encounter with Charles while Grant listens in silence.
“So what should I do?” I ask, fiddling with a loose thread on my shirt.
“File a police report so the incident’s documented. They may put a restraining order in place, which will be tough with the current custody arrangement. Are you worried about Jett’s safety?”
I bite at my lip, debating. I hate to deprive my child of time with his father, but Charles is a loose cannon and may very well lash out at Jett next.
“I am.”
“Then we should meet with the judge and hammer out a new custody arrangement, with supervised visits.”
Charles is not going to like that one little bit.
“Charles will be furious.”
“It’s a delicate situation. But if he hit you, that’s assault. He shouldn’t be trusted with a child, not without a safety plan in place.”
Grant’s correct, but now the situation’s very sticky.
“I know.” My voice is soft, regret coursing through me. Regret about what happened this evening, regret about the divorce, regret about marrying Charles in the first damn place.
“I’m sorry,” I say, my voice shaking. “This is all a lot.”
Xander rubs my thigh, grounding me, and I feel calmer.
“You can do this, Rachel. Do you need me and Lana to watch Jett for you while you file the police report?”
“That’s kind of you, Grant. But I can get my neighbor to watch him. Thanks.”
“Come to the office first thing tomorrow morning and we’ll hammer out the paperwork to send to Charles’s lawyer.”
“Okay, thanks.”
I disconnect and toss the cell onto the couch. Xander laces his fingers through mine, squeezing.
“He said to file a police report, then we’ll work on a new custody arrangement in the morning.”
“Okay. Let’s do it.” Xander tucks a hair behind my ear and my breath hitches, my chest tight.
“I can go myself. It’s fine. I don’t want you getting dragged into this.”
“Rachel, in case you haven’t noticed—I’m already in this. With you, by choice. I’m coming with you. Also, I think you and Jett should stay with me for a while. At least until all this gets worked out. I have plenty of space in the rental.”
“What? We couldn’t intrude.”