Page 46 of My One & Goalie
“The suspension is lifted. The GM and my coach saw the photos of the hockey team after our first win and liked the positive press. I’m back on the Blades.”
“I’m so glad.” Winding my arms around his neck, I kiss him on his warm lips. “Congrats.”
“Thanks. The bad news? I have to leave tomorrow. We have a series in Detroit coming up. I’ll be gone for ten days.”
“Oh.” My heart sinks. Ten days without Xander feels like an eternity.
“Babe.” He strokes my cheek with his thumb. “It’ll fly by and I’ll be back before you know it.”
“I know. I’m going to miss you, though.”
“I’ll miss you, too. You and Jett both. But we’ll make this work, yeah?” He gazes down at me and my pulse races.
For this man, anything.
“Good.” He claims my mouth with his and heat unfolds deep in my belly as his hands move down to my ass. He squeezes and I giggle against his lips.
“I’m going to miss this.”
“Me too. But I’ll be back before you know it.”
Xander flies out the next day and I try to go about my daily routine, pretending everything’s normal. Jett and I stay at hishouse—he thinks it’s safer, with the security cameras and all—and I’m not about to argue. I go through the motions of our routine, trying to distract myself until Xander returns: work, school, hockey practice. Repeat.
But life feels empty without Xander here, especially at the hockey rink. It’s just not the same being there without him.
After practice on Wednesday, I’m shoving through the front door with Jett’s gear bag slung over my shoulder. I kick something with my foot and bend down to snatch up the envelope lodged beneath the door.
Tearing it open, I rifle through and pull out two first-class plane tickets to Detroit for this Friday, along with family VIP passes for the hockey game. There’s also a handwritten note:
I miss you guys. Hope you can make it to the game on Friday.
Tears fill my eyes as I stare down at the tickets. “Jett, we’re going to Detroit on Friday.”
“What? Why?”
“Xander sent us tickets to the game.” I hold out the plastic badges for Jett.
“That’s so cool!” Jett glides his hand along the badge in awe, tracing theKovacat the bottom. “I can’t wait!”
“Me neither. It’s going to be great. Go wash up for dinner, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy.” Jett trots away and I whip out my cell and call Xander. He doesn’t answer—he’s probably still at practice—so I shoot him a text.
Rachel: Got the tickets. SO excited. Thank you
A few minutes later, my cell vibrates.