Page 10 of Storm's Mistake
“I promised Lisa a great night out with dancing, and there is going to be food.” She frowned. “There should probably be a lot of food. Lisa has found her appetite and is always starving lately.”
Shadow looked toward Pam. “I don’t like it. There are going to be men there.”
“So what? From what Lisa told me, she asked you point blank if you wanted to have a chance at forever with her. You don’t. Lisa is looking for her Mr. Right, and you’re not it.”
“I thought you were my friend.”
“I am your friend, and either you’ve got to get your head out of your ass and realize you do want a lot more with Lisa than you admit, or do the manly, grown-up thing!”
“Which is?”
“Leave her alone. Let her move on. You’re not interestedin having her as your wife. You don’t want her to be the mother of your children. You’re after a good time. Lisa wants forever. She wants to be a mother, a wife, and to find the love of her life. That’s not you. Leave her alone.”
He didn’t want to do that. For the past month, he’d been trying to figure out ways of getting Lisa to forgive him. The flowers were a good idea, but according to Pam, the chocolates had ended up at the coffee shop for other people to enjoy. She’d not even charged anyone for the pleasure. All the other material gifts—the jewelry, books, furniture—had been returned.
Shadow didn’t know what to do. He’d even been tempted to pay Beau Alpha a visit to ask him what he did, but he knew the outcome of that union. Beau was now mated to the human, the very first in No Wolves Road.
“Maybe you could be happy for her,” Pam said.
“Happy for her?”
“Yeah, she might meet the man of her dreams tonight. Wouldn’t that be something?”
Shadow growled. He couldn’t handle the thought of her being near any other man. The very thought of it was inconceivable to him. There was no way that could happen. No fucking way at all.
Pam stared at him. “Are you serious? Do you expect an amazing woman like Lisa Bennett to not find a man of her own? What about when you find a mate or settle down? Will it be acceptable to you then?”
Shadow glared at her.
“Wow, you know what, I didn’t peg you as a selfish bastard, but you are really getting there right now.”
“I am not a selfish bastard,” he said.
“Yeah, you are. What is worse, you don’t even see it. You don’t want to take Lisa for forever, but you don’t want her to bewith anyone else. You’re a selfish bastard, and maybe one day you will even begin to see the error of what you’re doing right now.” Pam shook her head. “I’m going to get Lisa, and I’m going to make sure she has a good time.”
There was nothing for Shadow to do or say. He could only watch as Pam left. Putting his hands on his waist, he tapped his foot. It wasn’t any of his business, he knew that. He should just let Lisa go. That would be the right thing to do, but even his wolf wasn’t happy. Neither of them wanted to think of Lisa with another man. Just the very thought of it had him growling low and deep within his throat. His hands clenched, and he felt the skin begin to split as the transition threatened to take control.
He was a grown man. He’d not been at the mercy of his wolf or his emotions in a very long time. At the start of his training to be Alpha, his father had made sure he was in constant control.
Taking some deep breaths, he tried to bring himself back under control, and that felt nearly impossible. But he did so. He was not going to lose control.
Pam was going to take Lisa and her friend out to enjoy a fun night dancing. There was nothing he could do about it. There was also nothing Pam could do to stop him from being there, so he took off, heading toward No Wolves Road Bar.
At the edge of the parking lot, he stopped and looked over toward the bar. The scent of humans and wolves was strong. It was a Friday night, so a lot of people were looking for a partner to spend the weekend with.
Lisa was in there.
Men were in there.
He couldn’t allow anyone to touch his Lisa.
Shadow paused after taking one step toward the bar. What he was doing was selfish, but this was for Lisa’s sake. If she wanted to find a man to cherish her, it wasn’t going to be inside abar. Nothing good ever came from dating someone in a bar. She deserved to find a man who had similar tastes to herself. Lisa was not a partying woman.
He took one step in front of the other and made his way inside the bar. It didn’t matter how many people were there, he still picked up Lisa’s scent, and he looked in her general direction.
Pam, Lisa, and Adele were at the bar, all three of them in revealing dresses. He didn’t give a shit what Pam and Adele were wearing.