Page 19 of Storm's Mistake
Helping her into one of the chairs at the kitchen counter, he made sure she was fine, and she swatted his hands away. “I’m fine. Trust me, I’m fine. I’m not going to faint or pass out, or whatever I did back there. It is all good. I promise.” She gave him two thumbs up, which did nothing to make him feel better.
He stepped away from her and went immediately to the fridge. Opening the fridge, he looked at the contents, trying to figure what would be quick and easy to make.
Yesterday, he had already prepared a load of meatballs, grinding up his meat, seasoning it, and part-cooking them, so they would be ready for his freezer. They were still cooling in the fridge.
Going to see Lisa took priority, and he was thankful Pam nor any of his pack had stolen his meatballs.
He grabbed a tray, along with a jar of tomato sauce, and knew he would have dinner on the table in less than twenty minutes.
Shadow put a pot of water on to boil, and as he worked, he was very much aware of Lisa’s gaze on him, and he wasn’t about to complain about it. He wanted her eyes on him.
“So, uh, do you want to tell me how you’ve been feeling?” he asked.
“I’ve been fine.”
“Pam happened to mention that you’ve been hungry a lot lately.”
“It’s nothing. I put it down to me … you know, eating my feelings.” She tried not to wince.
“You don’t think it is that?”
“I don’t know what it is, to be honest.” She took a deep breath. “But it’s fine.”
“And you’re eating beef.”
“It seems Pam talks about me a lot more than I thought, huh?”
Shadow finished putting sauce, some herbs and spices, and then the meatballs into the pot, bringing it back to boil.
“She cares,” he said.
“And I care about her. What is this about, Shadow?”
He took a deep breath. “We didn’t use any protection,” he said.
“Yeah, and it doesn’t matter, right? You’re a wolf and you can only get your mate pregnant. Your mate can only be a wolf, and you have to feel this connecti—” Lisa stopped. “What are you not saying?”
“You’re pregnant, Lisa. The cravings, the food, even the dizziness. You’re carrying my child.”
Chapter Six
Lisa didn’t think it was a good idea for her to get up, but she wanted to. She wanted to get up, go to the front door, and leave.
There was no chance she was pregnant.
But, they didn’t use any kind of protection, not anytime they were together. She didn’t think it was possible, and neither did Shadow. Even though she rarely talked to the other woman, she had heard through several wolves that Eloise had been pregnant. There had been a lot of rumor and gossip surrounding the couple but from what she could now see, the two were very happily married and mated. She made it a priority not to listen to gossip. Nothing good ever came from doing that.
“That can’t be possible,” Lisa said. “There is no way I can be pregnant, no way.”
“It’s true.” He ran fingers through his hair.
“I bet you hate this, don’t you?” Lisa asked, putting a hand to her stomach. She had been feeling strange lately. She had put it down to the heartbreak.
“No, I don’t.”
Lisa slid off the chair, because she couldn’t listen to this again.
“Stop,” Shadow said.