Page 31 of Storm's Mistake
“Man, you have hit the jackpot,” Adele said.
“What is your story?” Lisa asked.
Adele turned toward her.
“You know, to be in No Wolves Road. Why you don’t spend a lot of time around anyone?”
“There’s not much of a story to tell,” Adele said.
“But there is one?”
Adele sighed. “It’s … not that important.”
“When you’re comfortable, you can tell me.” Lisa offered the other woman a smile. She put a hand on her stomach as the baby began to move. She didn’t know when her baby was supposed to start moving, but according to a lot of the previous pregnant mothers, a wolf pregnancy was different than a human one.
Shadow had also gone to see Beau and Eloise Alpha to ask for their advice. She also believed he was worried the baby might kill her. They hadn’t talked about it. She knew Eloise was verymuch alive, and her pregnancy hadn’t been too problematic.
It was going to be an interesting pregnancy. She had spoken with Eloise on the phone. The hormones were going to be all over the place, which she already knew. The baby was going to move like crazy, then there were the cravings. Lisa already had all of them. She couldn’t go an hour without having some kind of food. This was another little bonus. She could eat what she liked because the energy she needed to have a wolf baby wasn’t going to stay too long on her body. This was all good news.
The birthing was difficult. Eloise had told her the worst part was Beau couldn’t stand to see her in any pain, and those that helped tended to be threatened, as he did quite literally get his claws out and threaten.
Lisa wasn’t ready for the gory details of childbirth. That would come soon enough.
“It’s not that big of a deal. Well, it is, but it isn’t. My mom dated a couple of wolves. It was a long time ago. She liked having them flirt with her and chase after her. She loved Alphas.”
“I’ve never met your mother,” Lisa said.
“She’s not around anymore. Anyway, a couple of the Alphas took an interest in my mom, and when she denied one of them, it got ugly. He began to stalk her, and seeing as she couldn’t exactly go to the police, it ended badly. Her body was found about ten minutes from home, clawed to death.”
“Wow, I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, I think the crazy part is they had a guy turn himself in. A complete human. I remember the cop telling me he was a nutjob because he kept saying she was a dirty human for sleeping with animals.”
“No kidding,” Lisa said.
“Anyway, before she died, she had kind of hated the world, and she intended to come to this place—to No WolvesRoad—and told me it would be where we would start afresh. She said this place was different, and it is.” Adele smiled. “I don’t get involved with anyone because it’s a lot easier.”
Lisa rounded the counter and went to her friend. “You know, not all men are like that.”
“I know. I’m just not ready to find someone to settle down with. I’m happy, you know, just by enjoying life and not freaking out every single time there is a bang.”
Lisa kissed the top of her friend’s head.
“You know, you’re going to be one hell of a mother,” Adele said.
She laughed. “You don’t know that.”
“You’re loving and caring, and you listen. Not just with me, but I’ve seen you with others. I’m sure they’ve seen the way you are as well.”
“I care,” Lisa said.
“And I’d say perhaps a good chunk of being a mother is caring for and loving your child.” Adele smiled and then pressed a hand to her stomach, but immediately pulled it away. “Crap, I was reading an article the other day that said women hated when strangers just randomly put their hands on her stomach?”
“It’s fine,” Lisa said. “You’re not a stranger. You’re a friend.” She took Adele’s hand and placed it on her stomach. “I don’t know if this is boring to you.”
“No, not at all. It’s kind of incredible, don’t you think? Pregnancy?”
Lisa smiled. “Yeah, eating, the hormones, and the fact there is going to come a point when I can’t see my feet and I’m going to waddle like a penguin. This is all going to be a lot of fun.”