Page 33 of Storm's Mistake
All of this was fucked up.
He stepped outside, into the cold night air, and shoved his hands in his jacket. What did he have to do? What did he have to say? He intended to go back inside, when Adele stepped out.
She glanced over at him. “Evening, Shadow,” she said.
“Hi, Adele.”
“I’ll see you later.”
Adele started to walk down the front garden.
“Would you like me to walk you home?” Shadow asked.
“It’s fine. I know the way.”
“Lisa wouldn’t want anything to happen to her best friend,” he said, already deciding to walk her home. He stepped in beside Adele, and they started to walk toward No Wolves Road.
“It’s a cold evening,” Adele said.
Shadow didn’t know what to say to that, as with his wolf DNA, he didn’t feel the cold much.
“So, Christmas is around the corner,” Adele said. “Are you excited?”
“Lisa is looking forward to it.”
“Right, small talk is not your strong suit?” she asked.
“I love Lisa,” he said, coming to a stop.
“Have you told her that?”
He shook his head. “I don’t think she would believe me.”
Adele chuckled. “You and Lisa.” She sighed. “Neither of you are going to be able to make this work unless you start talking to each other. What you did was cruel and mean, but I have a feeling there is more to it than you saying a bunch of stuff you don’t even mean.”
“What do I do?” he asked, hoping Adele would be a more forthcoming than Pam.
“Talk to her,” Adele said. “It’s all you can do. Talk and be honest, don’t lie to her. She doesn’t deserve that.”
They entered No Wolves Road, and Shadow took her right up to the door.
“Lisa loves you, and I think you two can make it work,” Adele said. “I know it seems impossible, but trust me, nothing is impossible when you have two people who want to make it happen.” Adele offered him a smile. “I’ll see you for Christmas.”
He waited until her door was closed before he made his way back to his own home. There were still a few lights on when he returned. He stepped inside, removing his jacket, and found Lisa curled up on the sofa. There was a magazine on the floor, her dressing robe covering her.
Shadow stepped into the room and perched down on the coffee table, staring at her. Reaching out, he tucked some of her hair out of her face. She looked so peaceful.
How could he finally reach her? How could he make this right?
Lisa moaned and then opened her eyes, and for a briefmoment, there was a smile on her lips. It was one that didn’t have the memory of what he did. She looked so happy to see him.
“Evening,” he said.
“Evening. Did you have a good day?”
“It’s better now.”
She smiled. “You walked Adele home?”