Page 134 of Timeless
“No, not any of them,” Quinn replied, kissing that same spot again. “Us. I know it’s not the same as the visions of the past, but I can see our future together. Not for real; I know that. We have to get there together. But I can see us going grocery shopping on the weekends, picking out food for us to cook, and being too tired or lazy to cook it, so we order pizza instead or something.” Quinn laughed lightly. “Going to the movies together, walking down the street after a day at the shop, holding hands, sitting at the diner, and having breakfast in bed; all of it.”
“A lot of those things involve food. Are you hungry right now or something?” Abby chuckled.
Quinn laughed silently and said, “Not for food.” Her eyebrows danced, which only made Abby laugh again. “But I’m being serious. I can see us together, and I like what I see. I know it’s fast, and it’s confusing because of what we know, but we agreed that neither of us would wave a magic wand to forget what we know. I think that says something.”
“That we wouldn’t risk losing this for anything. Even if we could forget it all and start over, assuming you still walk through the door at the shop and that we like each other that day, we’re not willing to risk what we have now. Yes, we know that what we meant to each otherthenplays a part in what we havenow, but we know that’s a good thing, right? We can still love each other today and recognize how much each of those couples loved each other, too.”
Abby nodded and said, “You’re a romantic at heart, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Quinn replied. “I know you’re not, really. I just–”
“I might not be as good atbeingromantic as you are, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like it or that I’m not a romantic at heart. You’re forgetting, Quinn Elizabeth, thatI wrote a romance plot into my first book. The editors were the ones who wanted it gone, not me.”
Quinn smiled up at her and asked, “Can we promise each other something?”
“Yes. What?”
“That we’ll always focus on us over them. I know you have books to finish about our past selves and that we’re still in the beginning of this thing, so we’ll keep finding out new things, new couples, and all that, butwecome first, Abs. That’s what I want. We can read books, look at pictures, and eat pie thinking about whether or not we like it as ourselves or becausetheydid, but I want us to try to have a normal relationship, if that’s even possible for us. I want us to putthisrelationship over the discoveries that we’ve yet to make and the visions we haven’t had yet.”
Abby loved Quinn a little more then and knew that with everything Quinn said or did, she somehowwouldlove her a little bit more, too. While the past lives they shared meant that they would always have a strong connection, the words Quinn said today and every day were hers alone, and Abby wasn’t sure how she’d gotten so lucky. For a moment, she wondered if Deb, Cheryl, Isabella, and all the rest of them had somehow climbed into the wrong person when Abby had been born because surely, she didn’t deserve someone as special, kind, and amazing as Quinn Jordan, but she quickly pushed that thought out of her mind because she’d never risk wondering that for too long lest they steal this away from her.
“Come here,” she requested softly.
Quinn looked concerned, but she shifted until she was back on top of Abby, looking down into Abby’s eyes.
“I love you. I’m scared because I’ve never said that in my life and I’m telling you so soon after we met, but I’m not stupid enough not to say it or risk losing you for any reason. I feel it, and I know it’s right. I’m so lucky you got in your car five years ago and hit the road, Quinn. I’m so lucky that they picked me, however it works, and that I get to be with you. So, yes, I will promise you that. I get a little intense attimes, but I will always put you first, putusfirst, because this is all that matters right now. Someday in the future, another couple will get their chance to live what we have now, but this isourchance,ouropportunity to fall in love, be in love, and make the life we want for ourselves, and I’m in.”
Quinn nodded at her and then lowered her lips to kiss Abby softly.
“Now, does this mean I can tell my mom that we’re together? Because she’s been texting me for an update.”
Abby laughed and pulled Quinn down for a hug.
“I love how funny you are,” she said. “You make me laugh like no one else.”
“Can I make you do another thing like no one else?”
Abby smiled, knowing what she meant, and said, “You already did, so I think you know the answer.”
“Maybe we should try again, just to be sure.”
“So, the second orgasm you gave me didn’t prove it to you?” Abby joked.
“I think practice makes perfect. The more we practice, the better it’ll get,” the woman mumbled against Abby’s neck.
Abby found Quinn’s hand at her side, lifted it to kiss each of the fingertips that had already been inside her once, and then lowered that hand down between her legs. Quinn sat up a little to look down at her.
“I want to keep my eyes open this time,” Abby told her.
Quinn smiled softly at her before she kissed her, and her hand slipped into Abby’s folds, where she danced those fingers around Abby’s clit.
“I love everything about touching you,” she whispered against Abby’s lips. “Everything.”
Then, she pushed inside. Abby’s mouth opened wider and she kept her eyes on Quinn’s. Quinn pushed in deeper and curled her fingers over and over again.
“Tell me what feels good. I’ll do it,” Quinn whispered.