Page 136 of Timeless
“You’re so beautiful,” Quinn told her before she placed her hand between Abby’s breasts over her heart. “I’ll keep this safe, Abigail. Always.”
“I know you will.” Abby pressed her own hand over Quinn’s heart and added, “And I will, too.”
Quinn kissed her again, and before Abby knew it, she was moving down Abby’s body again. Abby smiled because she knew what Quinn was about to do. She was more than ready to touch Quinn herself, but if this was what Quinn wanted, Abby would be more than happy to let her have it. When Quinn was done, though, Abby would finally get to have her way with the woman who had managed to capture her heart just by being herself, which was all Abby would ever need.
Quinn never wanted to stop doing this to her, but when Abby started coming all too soon, in Quinn’s mind, she knew the woman would need a break. Her own body also craved something that Abby would deliver soon enough, given how hard she was pulling on her hair, which was still wet from their shower. Quinn stopped trying to bring her down with her tongue and moved back up her body.
“On your back,” Abby requested. “Please.”
Quinn kissed her hard, wanting Abby to taste herself on her lips, and Abby moaned. Seconds later, Abby was gently shoving at her shoulders until Quinn got the hint and moved onto her back. Abby wasted no time and moved on top of her. Quinn wrapped her up in her arms and just stared at her.
“God, I’ve never…”
“What?” Abby asked before she pressed her lips to Quinn’s collarbone.
Abby stopped her kisses and looked back up at Quinn, probably wondering what Quinn was about to say.
“What?” she repeated.
“Complete,” Quinn said with a shrug of her shoulder. “I know that sounds cliché… And I’m a firm believer that people should complete themselves because that gets them ready for the person they’re meant to be with, but right now, all I can think about isJerry Maguireand how he told Renée Zellweger’s character that she completed him.”
“You are so cute,” Abby said, kissing her on the nose.
“It’s lame, isn’t it?” she asked.
“No, it’s cute. That’s why I just called you cute. Do you think we’ve done that?”
“Completed each other?” Quinn ran her hands up and down Abby’s bare back.
“No, the ‘make ourselves whole’ part. Did we do that first? Should we have done that before we got together? I know when I moved back, I wasn’t thinking about meeting anyone. I wasn’t thinking about bettering myself or trying to get ready to meet anyone, either. I was escaping someplace else, or so I thought.”
“I think we have to go a little easier on ourselves,” she replied.
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“Because we were born into this. We weren’t like Cheryl and Diana, who were perfectly fine until Deb and Harriet ran into them on the street. We talked about how you had more anxiety before you came into the shop, and how I was never really happy with the things that I was doing, the people I was with, or anything else. I think we have to go easy on ourselves because we’ve always felt off, in a way, because we were meant to find each other. No other girlfriend was going to be the one.” Quinn cupped the back of Abby’s neck. “I was always meant to be here and running the shop. I think you were always meant to come back and write these books. We are just now feeling complete because, whether we realized it or not, we’ve always had a lot of other people in our minds, trying to pull us toward each other, and we were warring with them until we weren’t anymore.”
“Do you think when we’re long gone, we’ll be doing the same for whatever couple comes next? Warring with them to do what we know will get them to meet?”
“Knowing how high-strungyou, apparently, are, I’d bet on it.”
Abby smiled down at her, and Quinn used the hand on the back of Abby’s neck to bring her down for a soft kiss.
“I think I feel the same way,” Abby told her with her forehead pressed to Quinn’s.
“About you harassing future versions of us?”
Abby chuckled and said, “No, about feeling complete. I always thought that was more of a concept than an actual state of being, but now, being here with you, feeling yourheart beating against my body, I think I feel it.” She kissed Quinn quickly. “But right now, I really need to feelyou.”
Abby kissed her once more before she kissed down Quinn’s body, and Quinn watched as Abby spread her legs and settled between them. She continued to watch as Abby kissed the inside of her thighs, licking softly, then hard, and if Quinn wasn’t more than ready before, that would’ve been enough to get her that way.
“You’re so beautiful, Quinn,” Abby said, looking up and into Quinn’s eyes. “Just…”
She shook her head, smiled a small smile, and it didn’t take long for Quinn to lose their eye contact because her eyes closed on their own when Abby licked her hard.