Page 71 of Timeless
“You know how Barb likes Richard?”
“Yeah, the whole school knows. He was talking about how they went all the way in class yesterday, too.”
“Do you like boys how Barb does? Like, do you think about going all the way with them?”
Diana looked into her eyes and shook her head.
“Do you?”
Cheryl shook her head as well and said, “No one knows, Diana, but I think about girls like that. When I saw the vision last night before bed, I dismissed it because I knew I’d neverhave a husband. Even though I can’t have what I really want, I don’t intend on marrying a man.”
“Me neither,” Diana replied.
Cheryl breathed a little easier then.
“Have you ever…”
“With a girl?” Diana asked and shook her head quickly. “By the time I figured it out, I was already on my third school, and I didn’t see the point in trying to find out if anyone there was like me because I’d only move again.”
“So, you’ve never even kissed a girl?”
“No. Why? Haveyou?”
“No,” Cheryl said. “I only figured this out about myself last year, and I thought something was wrong with me at first. Besides, everyone in this town knows everyone else. I was too scared to ask if a girl felt the same way.”
“But you askedme.”
“I feel like I can trust you. No idea why. And I don’t know where the visions are coming from or why we both got dizzy. I just feel like I can tell you anything, and it would be okay.”
“As long as you don’t tell me you’re leaving,” Diana replied.
“You can tell me anything, but don’t tell me that you’re leaving,” she repeated. “I don’t think I could handle that.”
“Sorry.” Diana shook her head. “I just… I feel like I’ve heard me say that to you before, but I know that I haven’t.”
“Do you feel that way now?” Cheryl asked.
Diana nodded and said, “I know I’ve known you since last year when I moved here, but we just talked for the first time outside of class yesterday. Why does it feel so easy to tell you things?”
Cheryl shrugged and said, “I have no idea.”
“Does it feel like that for you?”
“Yes,” she replied.
“It’s okay. You can say whatever it is,” Cheryl assured.
“I want to kiss you. It’s all I can think about. I want you to be my first kiss.”
“Oh,” Cheryl let out. “Now?”
“I know. It’s crazy.” Diana chuckled and looked away.