Page 120 of January
“One sec,” Melinda added to Jolie. “Welcome to NOLA Guides. How can I help you?”
“We were hoping to go on a vampire tour,” the man said.
“Sure. We have one every night.”
“Tonight?” the woman asked.
“No problem. Let me get you taken care of,” Melinda replied.
When she pulled up the tour and gave them the price, the man pulled out his wallet and handed her his credit card. She charged it and gave them their tickets. Within a couple of minutes, they were out the door, and Jolie and Melinda were left alone.
“Kyle is the big sister. She’s taken care of me my whole life. She’s my best friend in the world. I’d do anything for her, and I only want what’s best for her,” Jolie stated, causing Melinda to swallow. “I don’t know you very well, but my sister is the happiest she’s ever been in her life. She says that it’s because of New Orleans and that even if the two of you don’t work out, she wants to stay here. I believe her. I believe she’ll finally be happy here. I just have a feeling you’ll be a part of that.”
“God, I hope so,” Melinda replied. “I’m crazy about her.”
“I can see that.”
“Not just because of the sex. You caught us this morning, so you might be thinking I’m in it for that.”
Jolie laughed and said, “I try not to think about sex and my sister in the same sentence whenever possible, so no, I wasn’t thinking that. Besides, she told me how magical you both seem to find that garden.”
“Itismagical.” Melinda smiled.
“I guess. It looks like a garden to me, but whatever works for you two.”
The doors opened again, and Kyle walked in, all smiles.
“Hey, babe,” Melinda greeted.
“Did she say anything I need to apologize for?” Kyle asked as she walked behind the counter and over to her.
“No,” Melinda said, smiling back.
“Hi,” Kyle said before she leaned in for a quick kiss.
“This is a place of business, lovebirds,” Jolie noted.
“Shut up.” Kyle laughed.
“Did you get it taken care of?” Jolie asked.
“I did. The houses will take longer, obviously, but I called Mr. Beaufort on the way here, and he said he can take care of it for us. We’d just have to go in and sign the paperwork. He’s going to move quickly since you’re here now.”
“Cool. I’m ready to sign whenever you are. The faster I get this stuff out of my hands, the faster I get to tell Mom to leave me alone.”
“Leave you alone?” Melinda asked.
“Ky’s taking me out of the equation.” Jolie shrugged. “Of the two of us, I’m somehow the one Mom has been able to pressure into just about anything. So, this way, she can’t because I won’t have anything.”
“But Kylewill,” Melinda said.
“Yeah,” Jolie replied, looking confused.
“So, you’re putting it all on Kyle?”
“It’s okay,” Kyle said. “It’s better this way.”
“But you’ve already had to deal with her so far, and now, she’ll come for everything.”