Page 79 of January
“This has been the best date of my life,” Melinda told her softly, running a hand over Kyle’s stomach.
“Mine too,” she admitted, kissing Melinda’s forehead. “Does that mean I get a third date?”
Melinda’s laughter vibrated Kyle’s whole body, and she said, “I think youdefinitelyget a third date.”
Kyle smiled up at the night sky, feeling like she didn’t want this magical night to end.
“Good morning,” Kyle said.
“Morning,” Melinda replied. She had only just opened her eyes when she realized how cold she was. Having looked around, she added, “We fell asleep out here.”
“Yes, we did.” Kyle chuckled. “At least we putsomeof our clothes back on.”
Melinda looked down, pulled back the blanket, and noticed she had her shirt and panties on but nothing else. Kyle had her underwear and shirt on as well. Melinda didn’t remember them putting these things back on. They’d made love under the stars, and they’d talked until they’d fallen asleep. They must have both been cold and had put at least something back on and then snuggled back together.
“I don’t even remember doing that.”
“Me neither,” Kyle shared. “We should go inside. We’re lucky we had blankets.”
“And body heat,” she replied, slipping on top of Kyle. “You feel warm insomeareas.”
“Oh, yeah?” Kyle laughed and ran her hands into Melinda’s hair.
“Want to warm up all over with me?” Melinda asked.
“Yes, but I checked my phone, which is almost dead, by the way, and it’s after eight.”
“Shit!” Melinda shot up, straddling her. “I have work.”
“Yeah… And contractors should be walking through the door here soon.”
“I bet they’d like the show,” she noted, smiling down at Kyle.
“I bet they would, but I’d prefer to keepthisshow between us.”
“Just us, huh?” Melinda teased, running her hands upand down Kyle’s chest under her shirt and over her breasts and those hard nipples. “How am I supposed to go to work today when you’re here, looking like this?”
“How do I look?”
“Sexy and happy.”
“You’re also sexy,” Melinda repeated. “And I knew that already, but now Ireallyknow it.”
Kyle sat up a little and kissed between Melinda’s breasts over her shirt.
“Are you free tonight?”
“For you? Absolutely,” she replied.
“Your place or mine?” Kyle asked, lifting Melinda’s shirt to kiss her skin.
Enjoying herself, Melinda closed her eyes and let Kyle press her lips wherever she wanted.