Page 94 of January
“I’m sure we will. I think I have a while before that, but I don’t know.” She let out an exasperated sigh.
“What does that mean, exactly? That sigh makes it more than obvious that you want to tell me more.”
“Her mom is in town,” Melinda replied, unlocking her door.
“To cause trouble,” she stated through gritted teeth. “They have a complicated relationship.”
“But why is she in New Orleans?”
“Because Kyle’s grandma left Kyle and her sister money and the two houses, and her mother wants all of it. She’s awful, Bridge. Had I been there, I would’ve punched her.”
Bridgette laughed and said, “Yeah, becauseyou’re a violent person.”
“The things she said to her…” Melinda tossed her keys onto the table and climbed the other set of stairs with Bridgette close behind. “I shouldn’t say anything more, but she pissed meoff, and I hate that she’s doing this stuff to Kyle, who doesn’t deserve it.”
“Then, a night out will take her mind off it, maybe. Just promise me that you two won’t be all over each other, making me the unwanted third wheel.”
“Jill’s coming,” she replied.
“She is?” Bridgette asked.
“Is that okay?” Melinda disappeared into her bedroom, tossing her shirt onto the bed and looking for something to wear in her closet. “I already invited her.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Maybe we can findhersomeone since my person doesn’t seem to be showing up anytime soon.”
Melinda peeked out the door and said, “She will.”
Bridgette flopped onto the sofa, which made Melinda think about Kyle’s comment that morning and the sex they’d had on that very surface the night before. She smiled and must have given her thought away.
“No… On this sofa? Mel! I just sat down here.”
Melinda laughed and returned her attention to changing.
“Gross!” Bridgette added.
“There was nothing gross about what we did last night.”
“But I don’t need to sit down where it happened.”
“Well, don’t sit on the chair, the floor, the coffee table, the bed, the counter, the–”
“Are you fucking serious?! I hate you right now. You had that much sex last night?”
Melinda laughed and said, “No. I’m joking. However, if things keep going how they are with us, you might have to sit out on the balcony.”
“God, I wishIhad a new girlfriend.”
Melinda’s smile widened as she thought about Kyle being her girlfriend one day soon. It was true that they hadn’t had that specific conversation yet, but things just felt like they were clearly headed that way. As she pulled on a shirt and found a nice pair of jeans and some short heels, she considered their possible future. There was a lot to work out, but the images that entered her mind were all good. Kyle lyingon the sofa in the morning, waiting for Melinda to wake up. They’d have coffee together. They’d go for walks in the city. She’d watch Kyle work and get her to speak French to her. They’d make love. They’d fight. They’d make up. All of it sounded like what she wanted, even the fighting part, because that was real. It would never be perfect, and it wouldn’tallbe good, but she wanted real, not perfect, anyway.
“Mel, someone’s knocking.”
“Probably Jill. Can you let her in?”
Melinda went to pull on her jeans when she heard the footsteps.
“Not Jill!” Bridgette said loudly. “She’s changing.”