Page 18 of Ghost
“Damn Rasp, you got yourself a little sidekick, don't ya. Your own little prodigy. Mama Tiz, we should start callin’ you Bartok!” he exclaims.
“Who the fuck is Bartok?” Rasp asks, not looking up from sewing up Taz.
“You know, the little white bat from Anastasia?”
“How the fuck do you even know that? Some random ass bat from a Disney movie? I didn't even know you watched Disney,” Taz complains.
“See, this is what I’m talking about! You never listen to me! I tell you that my interests always vary, but you just tune me out. I swear if we weren't…”
“Yeah, they're back to normal and gonna live,” I sigh, then turn to leave, knowing I don't fucking need to be here to listen to them bitch like some old married couple.
Chapter Sixteen
Two Weeks Later
I hum as I measure the sugar, then toss it in the bowl. Yup, you heard that right. I’m in the kitchen again. Baking my gosh-darn tush off, and I love it, don't get me wrong. Still, a girl like me needs a bit of sunshine in her life, and I can't get that down here in the trenches. That’s what I call this bunker bat cave my boys have got going on here.
“Hey Mama Tiz! Got any more of them peanut butter cookies?” Caesar asks, coming up to the island. I smile as I push the plate over to him. I’ve been here close to a month, and these boys sure have made a girl feel welcome. They all come to call me Mama Tiz, and it warms my glittery heart every single time. Still, as much as I’ve come to love all these boys and my Big Papa more than the rest… I can't help feeling like these walls are working their way closer to my rooty tooty booty.
I’ve tried bringing this up with my stubborn old man, but he’s pretty set in his ways, wanting to keep me safe, which I get, but they have this place scoped out and protected better than Area 58. Which, if I'm being honest, isn't as safe as some mightbelieve. Then again, that could be because Area 58 is just a diversion for the real… wait, wait, wait, wait, I'm getting off-topic.
“Bunny.” I hear my name growled behind me. Probably for “shaking my butt in front of one of his men.”
Apparently, that's a big no-no, though I can't help but get footloose when breaking all these baking laws. The hips have a mind of their own, and I'm not about to be the one to ruin their good time. Right now, that disagreement can go to the back burner cause now's my chance.
“Ah! Just the man I was looking for,” I holler back.
“How were you looking? You didn't even leave the kitchen.” Devon grins while stalking around the island.
“Don't get off topic! We got some business!”
“Oh, I love business,” he says, waggling his eyebrows and pulling me close to him. I smile and sink into his arms, then realize my mistake.
“Stop that. Get your arms off me. You're trying to distract me.”
“Never, precious bunny,” he says, but I see the small smirk.
“You old dawg. Now listen here. I'm trying to tell ya somethin’,” I say, patting his chest over his Prez tag.
“I’m sorry, baby girl. Alright, hit me with it,” he says, leaning his hip against the kitchen island and crossing his arms, giving me his full attention.
“Alright, I’ll get to the point. I want to go out.” I hold up my hand before he starts to speak. “Before you say no, just listen to me. I—”
“Alright, Bunny. We can go outside.”
“The Property is safe. I… wait. What?” I stop my practiced and perfected speech, completely surprised.
“We can get you out from down here for a little bit.” I start to get excited, but this time, he holds up his hand before I bounce right out of my shoes. “But I have some conditions.”
“Okay, I can handle that,” I say, trying really hard to not wiggle at his ultimate defeat.
“First, we won't be leaving the compound. We’re safe behind our perimeter, and I can keep you safe. Second, you do as I say. I love your fire, Bunny, but I also need you to know that I can't let anything happen to you. It would not only kill me, it would obliterate me.”
I want to gasp and cry, maybe do another little wiggle. He basically just admitted his love for me, right? I mean, he had a roundabout way of saying it. Still, I’m taking it as it counts, as with everything else that involves Devon. I decide to jump in feet first.