Page 20 of Ghost
Chapter Seventeen
After getting through the woods and finally finding the damn drone that had landed in a low-hanging tree. I was impressed by Tizzy's toughness. She really didn't seem to have an issue trekking in those heels, and to say I was impressed would be an understatement. I never should have doubted her.
We finally got the drone back to the compound, and I dropped it off with Crypt to see what data he could pull from it. I shot the damn thing clear through, then it fell about forty feet out of the sky. I know there is no way I could get shit off of that machine, but I learned long ago never to underestimate Crypt. Given time, I know he’ll find every bit of information possible about the fucking thing. And a couple of days later, he did.
I’m sitting in the common room working on some financials for the club I’ve been putting off while Tizzy is in the kitchen and Rasputin and Caesar are playing some video game on the couch. I smile at the two of them. Those two could hang out for hours, and neither one would break the silence, and they wouldbe completely content. Shaking my head, I turn back to my computer.
This has to be my least favorite thing about owning and operating this operation, the financials. I'm okay with numbers, but still, the job is tedious at best. Still, someone has to do it. Usually, I would take this kind of shit and work on it in the privacy of my office, but there is one thing this common room had that my office doesn't… A front-row seat to my woman cooking and shaking it up in the kitchen as she prepares dinner for the whole crew.
Fuck, how did I get so lucky? I’ve been putting this shit off for a while, wanting to spend more time with Tizzy instead of eyes glued to the computer. Finally, she told me I had to get some work done… and get out of her damn kitchen. Apparently, the third time she burnt something from being distracted by my touches was the final straw, and she kicked me out. Still, I decided this was the best of both worlds. Get some work done while enjoying a good cooking show. Way better than any Gordon Ramsey bullshit.
“Yo, Prez. Got a minute?” Crypt asks, pulling up a chair across from me and taking a seat before I can answer. He has the drone and his iPad in his hand, so I guess he finally has some information.
“What did you find?” I’m ready to know who the fuck I need to kill for daring to trespass on my fucking property. The fact that it was my fucking woman they got an up close and personal shot of makes me even more fucking furious.
“You’re not going to like it.”
“Try me,” I say, rubbing my temples.
“Best I can figure it was stolen hardware. Traces back to some fundy cult on the boarder, but best I can tell…” He trails off, so I fill in the blank for him.
“Best you can tell is they have no connection to anything since we’ve had eyes on them since we set up here. Yeah, I know the ones. So where’s that leave us?”
“Well, that’s where it gets weird…” I turn and notice Rasp and Caesar are no longer playing their game and are instead highly focused on our conversation. When I glance into the kitchen, I notice Tizzy leaning across the island, damn near climbing over the fucking thing, trying to hear what's going on.
“Actually, let's put this conversation on pause. Think we need to call a church and handle this,” I pause, glancing over at Tizzy, then back to Crypt before finding, “privately.”
And that was the wrong fucking word to say. No sooner do I utter the words than my bunny’s back goes ramrod straight, and she’s standing in the kitchen seething through and through in all of her five foot three self, and I’m actually a bit scared for my life at the moment. I’ve never seen my Precious Bunny so livid. Well fuck.
Before I can fix the situation, she turns on her heels and heads out of the room. Taz walks in as she’s stomping out, glaring at me as she goes.
“Uh oh, looks like someone’s in the doghouse tonight,” Taz snickers.
“Latrine duty for a week,” I growl as I pass him.
“Man! I didn't even get to suggest Tizzy getting to stay in my room…. Ow! What was that for?” I hear from the room behind me.
“TWO WEEKS! And take Mania with you for the smart-ass remark he would have made if he were in here.” That will teach his ass to talk about my woman.
“Touchy.” is barely mumbled, but I continue down the hall this time, wincing when I hear our bedroom door slam shut. Fuck, yeah, she's pissed. Still, I push through the door. I know why she's got her tail feathers in a twist. The minute I walk through the door, though, she's letting me know where I went wrong.
“I cook for all of you in this place. I clean after all of you. I look after all of you. How do you treat me? Like an outsider! Like someone who can't be trusted! Like the bad guy!” Her voice gets louder and louder with each accusation, but still, there is no yelling or screeching like I’m used to. Just passion and hurt.
Somehow, that’s worse.
“No! Do you know how hurtful that is? To have the person you love and trust most in this world think you're not trustworthy. I-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, Bunny. You are the one true person I trust more than the rest on this planet. Don't get that twisted, baby girl.”
“Then why did you shut down back there? You knew we were listening.” She narrows her eyes before slamming those cute little fists on her drool-worthy hips.
“I didn't want to be insensitive, Bunny. You’ve spent years looking over your shoulder and having to keep one eye out for danger. This is supposed to be your safe space, your home. I just wanted to protect you and keep you safe. The last thing I ever want is for that safe space to be violated or for you to question your place here. I would have told you everything once I knew what was going on, but I didn’t want you worrying yourself over something we don’t have the answers to just yet,” I explain, and luckily, as I hoped and prayed, that takes all the wind out of her sails.
“Oh,” she mutters, dropping her hands and looking sheepish. Only for a minute, though. “Well, still. I don't like being in the dark.”