Page 42 of Ghost
“No! No, no, no! What are you doing here?” the crazy-ass bitch screeches as she swings the gun in my woman's direction. I suck in a deep breath, hoping and praying I can get out of these cuffs before it's able to go off.
Tizzy just holds up her hands in a surrender motion before laughing with no nerves in her voice and replying, “Would you believe me if I said I was in the neighborhood?”
“You being here is ruining everything! You can't ruin everything! He’s mine! He’s mine! Not yours!” This woman is quickly becoming even more unhinged by the moment, and I'm concerned that any sudden move I make is going to cause that gun to go off. This is not a situation I have ever prepared for. When my bitch of an ex-wife was in this position, I won't lie; I wished the fuckers would kill her. That bitch sold my daughter to a sex trafficker. She's lucky I never got my hands on her.
This situation, though, is totally different. My whole reason for being alive is standing toe to toe with death, trying to keep me safe. My reason for leaving is hanging in the balance, and I don't know what the fuck to do.
“All right, sugar. Calm down,” Tizzy soothes. The woman swings the gun back and forth between me and Tizzy for a minute. Looking crazier and crazier with each passing second. Finally, she settles the gun on me, and I can breathe deeply again. If it's on me, that means Tizzy’s that much safer.
“Don't come near us. I’ll take him out and then follow behind him. If I can't have him, neither can you. He was supposed to be mine, Tizzy, and you stole him from me! He was mine! He was coming for me!” she yells. What in the hell is this woman talking about?
“Hey! It's alright, Kayti, I get it. Hey, remember the time we were in the bar, and that song came on the radio? Oh, shoot! What was it?” Tizzy asks as she slowly starts making her way closer to Kayti. Kayti actually looks distracted as she thinks back. And why does that name sound so fuckin’ familiar?
“Which one? We stayed late together almost every shift.”
“Oh, crud. Let me think.” Tizzy is getting closer to the crazy woman, and I wonder what she's planning on doing. Still, she keeps her distracted. “I think it went like this.”
Tizzy starts humming a tune, but it's one I don't recognize. For a minute, it looks like Kayti doesn't recognize it either, but then I see the light in her eyes, and she smiles. She starts to lower the gun.
“Oh! I do remember that night. It was when…” Before she can finish, Tizzy, who is now within reaching distance of the bitch, reaches into her cleavage. Yes, her big, juicy as fuck, apparently bottomless storage receptacles cleavage, and pulls out a taser. Not taking a second of hesitation, she puts it against Kayti’s neck and lights the bitch up.
Kayti squeals and squeals, then shocks, and squeals some more—until the bitch is knocked out cold on the floor and twitching. Still, that's not good enough.
“Hey, baby girl?” I call out to Tizzy.
“Yeah, beef cakes?” she says, smiling wide at me.
“Hit her again for me, would ya?” and she does. Fuck, but this woman has my fucking soul. Then she saunters over to me and climbs onto my lap, peppering kisses all over my face.
“Oh my goodness, I was so worried. I didn't recognize her when I saw her in the store with the hood hiding her face. Even when I climbed into the trunk of the van, and she was talking the whole way, I didn't recognize her voice. I should have…”
Her words hit me.
“Wait, wait, wait. You climbed into the bitch’s trunk? Woman! I’m going to spank your ass so hard. I thought you ran out to flag down Caesar!” I growl, spittin’ mad at the thought of her putting herself in danger like that. “What would have happened if she would have opened the trunk? She could have shot you dead right there and then.”
“Well then, it's a good thing she didn't. And I sent Caesar a message, thank you very much,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest and harrumphing at me.
“You did? How?”
“I waved at him out the window. My guess is he’s already called in the calvary, and they are just waiting out front, trying to make a plan, before they come storming in.” She smiles sneakily at me.
“I really wouldn't call that getting a message to Caesar, but knowing my men, you're probably right.”
“Aren't you glad I did? I just saved your life,” she says triumphantly, but if I'm honest, no, I’m not glad. I would rather have her as far from her as possible.
“My princess riding in to save me,” I say, instead of possibly hurting her feelings. “How about you search the crazy bitch for some keys so I can get out of these cuffs?”
“Oh! I can take care of those for you.” My woman says as she pulls a pen out of her hair and then leans those glorious tits right up against my chest as she reaches around my back and starts working to pick the lock. Fuck, I could stay locked up forever if this is how I get treated. Still, something Tizzy said to the woman, Kayti, has my brain trying to focus.
“Bunny, how did you know her? And why the fuck did that woman think she knew me?” I ask, leaning in and smelling her neck before biting her ear. Fuck, she smells fucking amazing. Like sunshine, wildflowers, and home.
“Kayti. She was a waitress at the Steel Toe in Omaha. She told me on my last night about this man who saved her from some bastard in the back alley. I had a feeling it was you, but she just mentioned wanting to buy you a drink, and I was leaving town anyway since I caught wind that you had found me.” She winks at me with that little statement. “You don't remember her?”
“I remember a girl getting hassled by that mob boss wannabe fucker, but I told her to run along and left it at that. Took care of the fucker who touched you and thought it was the end of it. How could we have missed that she was gunning for me and not you?” I ask, stunned.
“Seeing as I was the one receiving all the gifts…”
“Gifts intended to kill you or scare you into running the fuck away from me,” I growl, glaring at the still downed body of the crazy bitch.