Page 8 of Ghost

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Page 8 of Ghost

Chapter Seven


I pull a new toothpick from my pocket, place it in my mouth, and watch the door slam shut behind Tizzy before she returns to her shift. I chew the wood over my teeth as I debate my next move. The last thing I want to do is push my woman too far, but she was right there with me the whole time until the very end there. She may think she hid that little freak-out from me, but I saw. I saw more than she probably wanted me to in that moment. Something has my little bunny spooked, and I’ll be damned if I let her skitter off on me again.

Fuck, I can still feel her tiny body dancing in my hands. She’s so small compared to me, but with huge tits and an ass that won't fucking quit. Her hot little pussy rubbing up and down on my fingers, coming apart so sweetly for me… I was seconds away from embarrassing myself, but this woman has me in her grip. Right there in the palm of her hand. All I could think about doing was turning her ass around, having her stick it out for me, and planting my dick all the way to her deepest depths for round two. She may be small, but those sky-high heels she's obsessed with would put her at the perfect height to fuck her from behind.That’s somethin’ that will absolutely be happening once I get her alone again, mark my fucking words.

It was when the moment ended that she turned in on herself. She closed off, or actually, thinking about it more clearly, it was almost as if she cracked open. I don’t know what put that look on her face or made her pull away like that, but all I wanted to do was grab her and tuck her into my arms. Swear I would fucking die before I let this world hurt her ever again.

Still, it seemed like she wanted space and maybe a little time to sort out everything in her head before I pressed anything further. Not to mention, her break was long over, and I wouldn't doubt if someone had interrupted us at any minute. That would not have been good. I could kill someone just thinking about what they might get an eye full of. The toothpick breaks between my teeth, and I sigh as I throw it away and grab another to replace it. Before I can place it in my mouth, though, my phone vibrates. I swear if that's Bozo One or Two calling to complain, I'm going to burn that compound to the ground with them in it. When I look at the screen, my eyebrows go up in confusion.

“Swift,” I answer curtly. Hoping and praying nothings gone wrong with the Reckless Omens Compound. If my kids or grandkids are in trouble, I’ll have to go, but Tizzy will have her sexy little ass on the back of my bike riding with me.

“Ghost, look, I know you're busy, but we’ve got some information I think you might like to hear.”

“I’m listening.”

“Lyra got a call from Cara, the friend who helped her get that boy away from his abusive mob boss father. Something went down with her and the boy. It's not good, Ghost. I'm gonna get myteam together, but I thought you’d want to know,” he explains, leaving me somewhat confused.

“Why would I want to know? You guys need help or something?”

“Well, seeing as you’ve been chasin’ Tizzy all over the states, I thought you might want to know. Don't know if anyone mentioned it, but from what we all can gather, Tizzy got really close to the boy while they were on the run. She helped them and even stayed with them for a few months early on, trying to make sure the trails all went cold,” he says, and in that instant, I know.

“Mother fucker!” I yell. She's running again, but it's not for fun this time. I need to be there for her on this one. If someone got to the people she's running to, who's to say they aren't still there, waiting?

“Thought you’d want to know. Listen, Lyra just told me and the guys. My guess is she let her mom know first, so she's gonna have a head start. Let me know what you need, Dad.” He snickers out that last part, but I can't help smiling.

“Yeah, yeah, fucker. Send me everything you have. I'm going to get my team there. We’re closer. I’ll call if I need you.” I hear a “sounds good,” before the line goes dead, and I’m in full run mode. Just for sanity's sake, I dash through the back door of the diner and do a quick sweep of the building, earning a few disgruntled heckles from the rest of the staff, ensuring my bunny isn’t still lurking around. When she’s nowhere to be found, as expected, I run out the front and down the block to where I left my bike around the corner. Getting back to my bike in record time, I activate the Bluetooth and call my VP.

“Prez?” He answers on the first ring.

“I need you to get some of the boys together and get to the address I'm going to forward to you. I need you there by tomorrow morning. That's not a lot of time.”

“We’ll get it handled, Prez.” With that, he hangs up and I’m tearing out of dodge.

I don't know how much of a head start my woman got, but there's no way I can let her walk into a tap. This is the first time I can't afford to give her a lead. I’ve got to catch up to her. Now.

Chapter Eight


“Come on, come on, get out of the way! I swear you people are purposely going slower than molasses in the morning,” I complain as I, once again, pass another vehicle slowing down for a yellow light.

I’m usually the quintessentialDriving Miss Daisy,but not today. I’ve got to get to them. Cara was one of my daughter's friends at the first school she worked at. That's where they both met Connor. He was the sweetest little boy to ever walk this planet and was in my baby’s class her first year of teaching. It wasn't long before Lyra noticed something was off with Connor and his family.

He was being hurt, badly. No matter what my baby girl did, said, or who she reported it to, it just got worse and worse. Connor's father was hitting him, abusing him, and torturing him. Cara tried to help, but there was nothing she could do, especially since she wasn't even Connors' teacher.

Then, the final straw hit. Connor ended up in the hospital again, closer to the end of the year. His father almost killed him that time, and Lyra knew her time was up. She came up with a plan.Well, we both kind of did. I wasn't letting my baby girl go at this alone. She would run and make it seem like she took Connor with her, but in reality, Cara would take Connor and run in the opposite direction. They had no ties back to Cara other than she was another teacher at the school who just seemed to up and leave around the same time as my girl, nothing more. Surely no one would look that deep into it.

I begged Lyra to let me go with her. We could run together. I’d been doing it my whole life; this would be just another adventure. She refused, though; she didn't want to put me in harm's way. I tried following her a time or two, not wanting to give her a choice, but my girl had learned from the best, and the minute I hit her trail, she was gone like smoke in the wind.

I actually searched out Cara once. I wanted to make sure they were still okay, and I was the only go-between since Lyra had to stay as far away as possible. I moved a couple times with Cara and Connor, and they quickly became part of my heart. I was planning another adventure with them until those bastards caught up to my girl, and I had to go get her. That day changed our lives forever, and we haven't heard from Cara, who’s now going by Carly, and Connor, who’s now Bennett.

I’m pulling into Jackson City when I hear the roar of a bike behind me. Rolling my eyes but unable to suppress the smile, I should have known he would catch up to me before I got there. This is just another point that he let me get away just so he could have the fun of chasing me. It’s exactly what I wanted, and in chasing but holding back, he gave me the time I needed.

Right now, though, I need to focus ahead. Noting the address Lyra sent me, I let it lead me down one street and the next. Each turn, I look back, and he’s there, always right there. I start to wonder if this is it— if the time has come, and the decision needsto be made. Am I going to let my head lead the way and panic, which means continue running, or am I going to give my heart a chance, take a leap, and show vulnerability? Let him take the lead and just go with it.

Oddly enough, this seems more like an adventure than being on the open road again. I know before I pull onto their street what my decision will be. I might have freaked out after our risque rendezvous for a minute, but it's time to give over at least some of the reins and see what this man has in store for me. He’s earned my trust. The least I can do is give the guy a bone. That don't mean I won't tease him with it a bit, though.

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