Page 52 of The Arrival of the Dragons
Her smile, which had been small, but there the whole time they spoke, grew, bloomed. “A truepartnership. Something that you would never give. That none of the others would either.”
Whenever she speaks, she lies,Raziel stated with a disgusted puff of smoke.What partnership has she ever given that has not ended in death? Caden and Iolaire will see right through her as we do.
But still, even with his own and Raziel’s certainty that Caden could not be won over by this woman, his skin suddenly felt hot and tight and he wanted to rip through it and her. He loomed over her. His shadow, the Black Dragon’s shadow, grew out from his own.
His voice was soft, almost like a lover’s murmur as he said, “Like the one you offered the mayor’s son all that time ago?” She was too much in control of herself at all times to react to that fully, but she did freeze and her eyes widened just for a moment. “Iolaire knows all about that. Your reputation precedes you.”
At that moment, his eyes caught sight of Iolaire’s graceful form flying towards them. He pulled away from her and turned his back. Iolaire and Caden were all that mattered. She did not.
The other Dragon Shifters flowed out of the throne room in their finery, too. Esme was in a deep royal blue sleeveless dress with a light blue sparkly wrap. Tez was in one of his handmade ensembles that combined modern clothing with native flair. Feathers stuck up from his hair and there was a beaded fringe coming from his shirt and boots. Illarion was dressed in blood red with a long militaristic coat with a fur collar.
Iolaire circled High Reach twice. It was a magnificent display of the white, pearlescent scales against the dark blue sky. But Valerius knew the flying was because Caden was unsure of how to land.
Could you tell the others to go back inside or something?Caden begged.I might smush them! The plaza is too small!
Valerius couldn’t help the chuckle he let out.Caden, Raziel is four times Iolaire’s size and we land here quite easily.
Don’t lord your perfect flying skills over me!Caden cried.You won’t think the plaza is big enough when Iolaire’s butt lands on Mei’s head!
I actually think it is the perfect size if you do that.Valerius’ lips twitched.
Caden actually laughed, too.Yeah, true, but our goal is for me to make a good impression, right?
I am not so sure of that. Considering both Mei and Illarion seem intent on partnering with you,Valerius replied dryly as he watched Caden make yet a third gliding loop around High Reach.I think you should show them just how much trouble you really are so they won’t be so eager.
Mei wants to be my mate?!Caden’s wings drooped and he nearly crashed into one of the towers.
Valerius winced. Esme murmured something encouraging and lifted her hands into the air as if to keep Iolaire aloft.
She wants a partnership,Valerius growled.
A partnership?! Maybe she means like we’d be even partners ruling her territory--
Caden! Do not be foolish!Even as Valerius’ heart did a foolish flip-flop at the fact that Caden would even see anything positive about Mei’s proposal.
Valerius, I would never choose her over you and Raziel,Caden told him sounding absurdly fond.Remember? I want to stay here… with you.
Suddenly, Iolaire’s movements were much more graceful as if Caden had finally found his groove with this flying thing.
Let Iolaire land,Raziel urged, speaking for the first time.You are still a youngling with your first wings.
Oh, I would! But Iolaire wants ME to do it!Caden protested.Iolaire, listen to Raziel! Raziel has got the right idea here. There was silence and then Caden said,Damn! Iolaire still wants me to try!
Valerius knew then that he had to give Caden confidence to do this. That is all right. You can do this, Caden. Why don’t you come around again and… and hover.
Okay, right, I can do that.
Esme came to his side. “Is Iolaire allowing its human counterpart to, ah, land?”
Valerius nodded. “I think it best we stay at the edges of the plaza. All of you, move here!”
The last barked order had everyone quickly moving out of the way.
“What is wrong with Iolaire?” Illarion scowled.
“Nothing. Our dear little baby Dragon is making one of their first landings.” Esme pressed her hands together in front of her chest, eyes fixed on Iolaire.
Illarion let out a nasty laugh. “What is this? Kiddie school?”