Page 54 of The Arrival of the Dragons
Iolaire says the power should wear off naturally in 24 hours or so,Caden admitted.
A whole day? He was certainly taught his lesson,Valerius assured him.
He looks like he wants to give Tez a lesson,Caden remarked.
Valerius glanced over at the Green Dragon Shifter. Illarion’s poisonous gaze was locked on Tez. “You’d best lock your door tonight, peasant, not that it will save you from me--”
“Enough! There will be no violence unless I am the one committing it against your thick skulls!” Valerius shouted.
Caden was beetling in on himself. It was amazing a Dragon could look so small. Even Iolaire. Valerius petted him some more.
It is all right, Caden. Do not pay attention to them. Pay attention to me,Valerius urged.
Caden’s bright blue eyes focused on him and Caden gently lowered his head so once again his nose was pressed against Valerius’ front. Caden still regarded the other Dragon Shifters suspiciously, even Esme. Caden seemed like a kitten hiding behind his father’s arms. Valerius leaned down and kissed Caden’s head. He had not thought how this action would be perceived until Caden’s slightly hysterical laughter filled his mind
Uhm, Valerius, you just kissed me, Caden stated.
I… hmmmm, yes, I did.Valerius slowly straightened.
Both he and Caden glanced over at the others. Luckily, Chione was not there. She would have laughed out loud. As it was, Esme hummed to herself and swished the skirt of her dress in an effort to stop from guffawing. Tez was beaming as if a proud papa. Illarion’s expression was stony. Mei was impossible to read. Valerius turned away from all of them.
I think the cat is sort of out of the bag that we like one another now unless you do this with all of them too. Nose kisses,Caden snorted.
Valerius’ lips twitched.Didn’t you know that nose kisses are common between Dragon Shifters?
Really? Okay then. Give Illarion a nose kiss,Caden challenged.
I would rather not.Valerius patted Caden’s head some more.
“I would request time alone with Iolaire,” Mei stated suddenly.
“If she gets time alone with Iolaire, then I want to as well!” Tez cried. “It would be completely unfair otherwise!”
“It is clear from your behavior, Valerius, that you have been stacking the deck in your favor.” Illarion glowered. “We must all be allowed to make our case and have our time with Iolaire.”
The only one that didn’t ask for this “alone time” was Esme, but she gave Valerius a look that screamed, “You did this to yourself, young man!”
You do not have to do anything you do not want to, Caden,Valerius assured him, realizing that he had indeed made a mistake. But it had to come out sooner or later. He did not believe that the others would not have pushed this issue to be with Iolaire even if he had remained apparently neutral.
“I will not leave until my request is granted!” Illarion almost stamped his foot at this.
I think I’ll do it. Just to get them to go,Caden sighed. His wings slumped slightly.
This is my fault. You do not--
That’s not true! Okay… it’s sort of true, but they weren’t going to settle for these meet and greets anyways. We both know that,Caden assured him.
But before Valerius could say anything further, either to Caden, or to the assembled Dragon Shifters, Caden’s head was suddenly up and he resembled more a pointer dog than a Dragon as he was staring at something intently through the throne room’s open doors. Everyone looked, though all Valerius saw was the heel of someone who had evidently passed through the doorway.
Caden? What is--
It’s her!Caden cried.
Who?Valerus asked.
Caden quivered, about to lunge through the too small doorway.The girl who set the bomb!