Page 39 of Recipe for Rivals
I swallowed. “I’m just Ben’s coach.”
Gigi’s eyes narrowed. “I know you’re a good guy. You can’t help some of these things you do. But I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to go falling in love with a local boy.”
Falling in love was a bit of a jump. The text she’d accidentallysent to the parent group today ran through my head.Love and miss you. My stomach hurt, thinking she might have meant to send that to her ex-husband.
“I’m flattered you think it’s even possible,” I said, grinning to hide all the other things I was feeling. “You don’t need to worry, ma’am. I’m not looking to get in the middle of whatever is going on in her life. But I’m going to level with you.”
She gave me a hardened stare.
“I really like her kids, and I’m going to keep being Ben’s coach. I do promise I have respect for her situation. I’m not trying any funny business.”
Gigi seemed to lean closer. For such a short woman, she sure could be formidable. Apparently, she believed me, because she gave a quick, distinct nod. “Like I said, you’re a good man, Dusty. I’m only looking out for my girl.”
I could respect that.
There was a flash of movement in the hallway. Nova carried Ben from the bathroom into his room and laid him on the mattress.
I rubbed a hand over my face, wondering if my next question was going to break the boundaries I’djustsaid I intended to keep. I decided to ask it anyway, but leaned forward and lowered my voice. “Do the kids not have beds?”
“She wouldn’t let me buy her anything,” Gigi whispered. “I should have furnished the place before she arrived, but I wanted her to help me choose things. I didn’t know she’d refuse. Most of what she has are things I made her believe I could spare. I didn’t want to push her too much.”
“I have a bunk bed coming in the mail,” Nova said from the mouth of the hallway, hands on her hips.
Gigi and I sprang apart, caught with our hands in the proverbial cookie jar.
“And I don’t need you guys discussing me.”
I put up a hand in surrender. “I was wondering because I have a spare bed frame?—”
“I don’t need charity, either.”
“—that I was going to let youborrow.”
She clamped her mouth shut.
“If you have beds coming for the kids, then do you want to borrow a kitchen table and a few chairs instead?” I asked.
“The counter works fine for us.” She passed me to find a cup in the cabinet and fill it with water from the tap.
“It’s been gathering dust,” I continued. “It’s nothing glamorous, but it works well enough.”
Gigi looked at Nova, eyebrows up.
I thought maybe I had her there, because the kitchen stayed silent for a beat longer than I’d expected.
Nova gave me a tight smile. “Thanks for helping Gigi get Ben home.”
Dismissed. I wasn’t about to hang around if I wasn’t wanted, so I nodded at her. “Anytime. Good night, ladies.”
“We’ll see you later, Dusty,” Gigi said.
“Yes’m.” I was reaching for the knob when Nova’s voice stopped me.
“Can Ben sit with the team Saturday, even if he can’t play?”
“Of course.”
She nodded, her mouth pressing into a line. Did the woman evernotlook like she was carrying the weight of both of her children on her shoulders? They were small, but that would still be a lot to bear. She was clearly overwhelmed and determined not to look like it, so I did what any chivalrous guy would do. I let myself outside and closed the door behind me, taking the stairs down to the street.