Page 86 of Recipe for Rivals
Alice nodded.
I leaned down to speak in her ear. “You know I’m not dating anyone, right?”
“Not even Dusty?” she asked quietly.
My body froze. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her if it would be okay with her if I did date Dusty, or how she would feel about it, but this wasn’t the time or the place. I didn’t have a chance to refute the question at all though, because Kendall took her arm.
“Come on! Let’s go practice our dance.”
Alice let herself be dragged away. I hovered for a few more minutes before heading back toward the game. Desi and I needed to have a chat.
When I reached the game, she was nowhere to be seen. I waved at June and Lauren, sitting with Tucker, Jack, Gracie Mae, and a smattering of their parents. It was Dusty’s little cheer section, which was the only reason I didn’t join them. Until I understood exactly how Alice felt about Dusty, I wasn’t going to do anything to put myself out there as his particular friend.
Not that anyone else thought there was something between us. But if Alice did, then Ben might too, and I couldn’t have that. My kids deserved to be number one, which meant my top priority had just become figuring out where their heads were at.
I pulled out my phone and texted my sister-in-law.
My kids might think I have a boyfriend. Or maybe just Alice does? I don’t know how I feel about this. Do I want them to approve? Or will I be happier if they don’t? Please tell me how to feel
Who is it? Full legal name? I want to stalk him on Instagram
No! I’m dying here. I don’t even think I want a relationship, B.
She sent me a picture of the mound of laundry on her couch and my nephew in the background throwing it all over the floor with blurry, waving arms.
Can you not entertain me better than this, please?
Okay, kidding. I know you’re in a major panic, but obvs you are the only one who can know how you feel. If you’re asking for permission to move on, you got it when Carter walked out
That was fair. What was I waiting for? Whose permission did I need to determine I’d waited long enough?
It hit me with a fresh wave—it was, again, all about my kids.
You know I’ve wrecked Ben’s and Alice’s lives by tearing them away from home and family and bringing them to the middle of nowhere. I think it’s less about moving on and more about whether it’s too soon for them. I don’t want to give my babies whiplash
My fingers typed furiously as I poured my stress into messages to my closest friend.
Besides, what if it doesn’t work out? What if he seems perfect, but he’s really a scumbag?
I didn’t actually think that, but I hadn’t known Dusty terribly long.
He’s winning me over with his charm, but there’s always a reason when a perfect man is almost thirty and still single.