Page 7 of Prez's Property
I gritted my teeth. “So, you want me to be your side piece?” I hissed. He had to be fucking kidding me.
He flashed me a smile, and instantly, my anger melted. I’d never seen him smile before, and it fucking disarmed me.
He was fucking gorgeous when he smiled like that.
I sighed and rubbed my palms down my face, my heart clenching in my chest. This man already had the power to destroy me. “And if your wife finds out?” I finally asked him.
He leaned his massive shoulder against my shower wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “Let me deal with that,” he told me. A bad feeling settled in my gut. This wasn’t going to turn out well. I already knew that.
“Am I going to be your only piece of ass, or am I to be expected to turn a blind eye like your wife does?”
His eyes darkened as he ran his eyes over me. “Nah, doll. You don’t have shit to worry about. I’ll only be fucking you. I don’t even fuck my wife.” That surprised me. He lightly wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and tugged me closer to him. “But I don’t even want to see you flirting with any of my brothers, you hear me?”
I weakly nodded. He kissed me again before he stepped out of the shower, grabbing one of my towels from the cabinet above the toilet. “Need to go deal with my wife,” he told me. “But meet me in my apartment tonight after midnight.”
With that, he strode from my bathroom.
I was so fucked.
I watched him as he quickly got dressed. After, he came back into the bathroom, gripped my chin, and kissed me. “I mean it, doll. Don’t leave me waiting. If I have to come after you, I’ll spank your perfect ass into submission.”
My nipples hardened all while my pussy clenched at his warning.
He kissed me one more time and walked out of my bathroom again. A moment later, I heard my bedroom door shut behind him. I turned the water off and slowly stepped out of the shower. My ass was sore, but my body was well sated.
A moment later, I heard Whitney yelling at Elijah. I shook my head and quickly got dressed. I then blow-dried my hair before heading downstairs. I walked behind the bar and began taking a liquor inventory, trying to ignore their argument. Sleep was going to evade me again; I knew that, so I might as well get some shit done.
I was so going to feel this lack of sleep tomorrow, though.
A moment later, Elijah stormed into the clubhouse. I heard the sound of Whitney flying out of the lot, her tires screeching on the concrete when the door opened. He walked over to the bar, his eyes on me. “Get me something strong, doll.”
I grabbed a glass and poured straight Vodka into it, handing it to him. It was his preferred drink when he ordered something strong. He flashed me a grin before raising his glass to me and walking upstairs.
Sighing, I shook my head. Tanner, one of the other club bunnies, gently squeezed my arm. “Just keep your head held high,” she whispered to me. I swallowed thickly. “It’s all we can do until a man decides they actually want to keep us as more than a piece of ass.”
I sighed. I hated that she was right.
The last couple of weeks had been a whirlwind of fucking the prez behind his wife’s back. She was coming around the clubhouse a lot more lately, probably because she’d smelled my perfume on his clothes, but she wasn’t going to catch him in the act.
One, Elijah was too damn sneaky for his own good, and two, no one in this club was going to rat him out – not one of the women and certainly not one of the brothers that wore a cut on his back.
Our loyalty lied with the president, no matter how fucked up he was.
I leaned over the table to wipe down the other side, too lazy to walk around. Everyone was still asleep, but I hadn’t been able to get any rest last night. I’d tossed and turned until I finally said fuck it around four A.M., got a shower, and came down here to start cleaning things up from the night before.
I was torn over this shit with Elijah. He was married, for fuck’s sake. What in the hell was I thinking, continuously letting him take me to bed and fuck me in positions I hadn’t even known my body could move into?
I knew the right thing to do would be to cut him off, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Every time I finally got the courage, he’d aim that fucking smile at me, and I melted. My armor and defenses completely fell away, and I let that man do whatever he wanted to my body, not even giving a fuck that he was wrecking my heart more and more along the way.
But he’d kept to his word. He hadn’t touched another woman. I would know because I heard everything within these walls. Besides, every moment he wasn’t dealing with club shit or fighting with his wife, he was either inside of me or asleep beside me.
Last night, he’d been stuck in his room upstairs with his wife because she was being a royal bitch and wouldn’t leave.
And that’s what had kept me up. I was laying in my own bed, wondering if he was fucking her, too, even though he swore to me numerous times he wasn’t touching her again.
But he cheated on her with me. Who’s to say he wouldn’t do the same to me?