Page 58 of Dungeons and Drama
He takes a step toward me. “Don’t be mad at her. It was my idea to wait until we were all together. I know it was killing her.”
I want to be mad at Hoshiko. Iammad, at least a little. She’s my best friend—how could she keep this from me? I should have gotten a text the second she said yes! But as soon as I look at them, the anger fades away. She’s so excited she’s practically shining, and that’s nothing compared to theway Lucas is looking at her right now. It’s as if he’s staring at an angel dropped to Earth. Or, you know, Idina Menzel.
Hoshiko tilts her head at me, and I reach out and pull her into a hug. “I’m too happy to sulk!”
“Eeeee!” She squeezes me. “I can’t wait! We’re going to have so much fun!”
“Did you get a date too?” John asks me. “Won’t that mess up all this weirdness you’ve got going on?” He gestures between Nathan and me.
“No date, just permission from my parents.”
“She’s my date,” Hoshiko says, and leans her head on my shoulder.
Lucas frowns at Nathan. “She wouldn’t have to be your date if someone would just step up—”
“And here we are!” Nathan practically yells, and waves the Blu-ray box above his head. “No more talking. It’s time to get serious.”
The others don’t need to be told twice. Lucas claims the overstuffed recliner and beckons Hoshiko to squeeze in next to him, which she happily does. She’s practically on top of him. She’s going to need to do some serious talking the next time we’re alone. I needallthe details about Lucas. John and Anthony both plop onto the black faux leather couch, leaving only the center cushion open.
“Go on.” Nathan gestures to the seat.
“No, I don’t want to make you sit on the floor. You love this movie.”
“I’ve seen it a billion times. And your dad will think I’m rude if I make his daughter sit on the floor.”
“I really don’t mind.”
“Here,both of you sit on the stupid couch and I’ll sit on the ground if that means you’ll shut up.” John waves at the screen, where a knight pretends to gallop through afield while another guy claps coconut shells together. “We’re going to miss the European swallow part.”
Anthony snickers and Nathan and I exchange an awkward glance before silently sitting. Dad’s place is small, which means he has an apartment-sized couch, and our legs are pressed against each other from hip to knee. I try to cross my legs to give us a little space and keep my eyes on the screen. Lucas looks at us before whispering something to Hoshiko.
Luckily the movie—while totally bizarre—is funny and keeps my attention. It helps that all the boys know it by heart. After a bit, a knock on the front door announces that the pizza has arrived.
“I fart in your general direction!” Dad cries as he comes out of the other room.
“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!” John quotes back automatically, and pauses the movie.
“And you guys make fun of us for knowing the words toHairspray,” Hoshiko says.
Dad deposits the pizza boxes on the coffee table in front of us. I jump up and away from Nathan, but based on Dad’s knowing smirk, he saw exactly how close we were sitting a moment ago.
“We didn’t make fun of you,” Anthony argues. “If I’m not mistaken, we were clapping.”
“That was pity clapping,” I reply, and grab a slice of mushroom and sausage.
“Nobody pity claps us!” Hoshiko says.
“Exactly!” I jab my pizza at the guys like a sword.
Everyone takes their slices and a Mountain Dew (Dad’sdrink of choice) and settles back to watch the rest of the movie. I think about sitting on the edge of the couch so I’m not pressed against Nathan, but he beckons me back. Everyone chuckles over something about a witch, but it’s hard topay attention when shivers go through me every time Nathan shifts and another part of his body touches mine. I turn a bit so I can see him more easily.
“I’ve been wondering something. If I’m able to bring back the musical, will you make an exception to your after-school boycott and come watch it? It would be a real coup for me if I could get the notoriously anti-school Nathan Wheeler to attend.”
He tilts his head as if debating and then comes closer. So close that his mouth is only inches from mine.
“I could be persuaded,” he whispers, “under the right conditions. Maybe I’ll even bring a bouquet of flowers to make Paul jealous.”