Page 63 of Dungeons and Drama
Don’t look at me like you want to kiss me unless you actuallydo.
I take a breath. “I’m fine. Just…yeah, we should pull back. I don’t have the energy to keep this up tonight.”
Nathan’s face flashes with hurt and I look away. Lucas bustles into the room at that moment, Hoshiko a few steps behind him. Nathan and I turn to each other in surprise, our awkwardness forgotten momentarily by this new revelation. Since when did they start arriving to the game together? And where were they before this?
There’s something more happening with Lucas that she’s not telling me, but I’m still desperately happy to see Hoshiko. Nathan and I return to the table and she takes me in. Her face flashes with worry, but I shake my head. I can catch her up later.
“Okay, sorry I’m late,” Lucas says. “Tonight is a big night for the campaign so we need to focus. No messing around if we want to finish this part of the quest tonight.” He pulls his books and dice from his bag and sits down, looking around the table with a serious expression. For once, I’m relieved to focus solely on the game and ignore Nathan and Sophia. “At our last session you made your way to the edge of the swamp you believe the hydra to be located in. You can continue to explore around the edges or you can venture deeper in.”
“No more exploring. It’s time we kill this thing,” Nathan says, and mimes holding up the magical sword we retrieved for him two sessions back.
“And get our treasure!” Anthony cries.
Hoshiko and I exchange an amused glance and nod along with the others. I wasn’t sure she’d make it more than a few sessions, but between hanging out with me and her new favorite DM, she’s really gotten into it.
Sophia’s rogue leads the way through some random encounters, and soon we’re all in a desperate fight to stay alive against the hydra. Round after round we battle against it, each taking damage as we cut off one of its heads only to have two grow back when it escapes the fire damage. Everyone else is on the edge of their seats, speaking louder and faster than usual, cheering when one of us manages to cut off a head and groaning when someone’s hit points drop. I try to match the enthusiasm of the others, but I’m struggling. My thoughts are still swirling around what happened with Nathan so that it’s impossible to sink into my character and the story line. It’s so bad that I find myself peeking over my shoulder, half hoping Dad will be in trouble with a customer and I’ll have to leave to help him.
John finishes his turn by casting bolts of fire at the monster. “I don’t know why we wasted time searching for that sword, Sol, when I’m the one who’s about to kill this thing.”
“No way, the kill is mine. I can’t miss with Elphaba to inspire me like always.” He smiles at me. “I’m unstoppable with you at my side.”
My heart stutters and I look down at my dice. My perfect dice that my perfect fake boyfriend bought for me. I knowwe’re both playing characters—right now and in real life—and I know this is just a game. But I don’t think I can play much longer.
“You’re next, Elphaba. What’ll it be?” Lucas asks.
“I’ll heal Anthony.”
“And…that’s all.”
Lucas blinks in surprise. Sophia gives me her full attention and Nathan leans close. “You forgot to use your inspire ability to buff me.”
“I’m going to save it.”
“Save it?” Nathan looks at me as if I just told him I plan to punch him in the face later tonight.
“I can only use it a few times per day, and the party might need it later.”
“I know, but…”
I mess with the dice rather than look at him. Without my help, Sol is no match for the hydra. The rest of the party jumps in to help, but ultimately John is the one to take him down. The group erupts into shouts and high fives when we realize we actually won. Anthony jumps up and pulls us into hugs before running through the room and hugging other random customers. Even Hoshiko does a victory dance.
After a moment, Lucas leans into the table, his face suddenly menacing. “Well done. But it looks like Elphaba knew something the rest of you didn’t when she decided to save her ability. Perhaps she can predict the future in addition to singing a mean song because…” He pauses and slowly stares around the table, making sure to meet each of our confused gazes before moving on. “You thought the hydrawas your final foe, but you were mistaken. What you failed to realize when you stole Sol’s magical sword was that you disturbed the eternal resting place of the ancient king you were stealing from—and he isverydispleased. He has returned to this plane as a wraith, and he is waiting at the edge of the swamp to retrieve what is rightfully his. And destroy the ones who stole it.” Lucas leans back and crosses his arms over his chest, looking extremely pleased with himself.
Nathan gasps and John leaps out of his chair. Anthony and Sophia both groan and drop their heads to the table. I’m not sure how hard it is to kill a wraith, but I’m guessing it’s not easy.
“This is impossible. We can’t take on a wraith now—our hit points are already decimated!” John complains. “You want to make sure the entire party dies.”
“It’s sadistic, man,” Nathan says. His body is turned away from me, and I can’t help feeling that he’s purposefully ignoring me now. Not that I can blame him.
“It’s not sadistic.” Lucas lifts his chin defiantly. “Well, okay, maybe a bit. It’s one of the benefits of DMing. But it’snotimpossible. There’s six of you now and if you all work together, there’s a chance the party can make it through alive.”
“The same chance that one of us will win the next Mega Millions jackpot, buy a yacht, and take the group on a yearlong trip around the world,” Anthony mutters.
“Is that a possibility?” Hoshiko asks. “Because we should be working harder toward that.”
The group is still buzzing with the surprise campaign twist when Dad comes around a few minutes later to remind us that the store will be closing soon. “You all need to get your sleep tonight so you’ll be ready for the dance tomorrow,” he says with a smile. “Everyone excited?”