Page 84 of Dungeons and Drama
Mom steps next to me. “My design firm can donate paint and materials for the costumes. And I’m sure Riley’s father will sponsor as well.”
Miss Sahni’s eyes widen as she looks around the group and over to her colleagues. “I…Well…Wow. I’m very impressed. Actually, a little taken aback if I’m being honest.”
“This type of community support is exactly what we need,” Mrs. Fairfax says.
Mr. Weaver bobs his head. “Absolutely.”
“I was very skeptical,” Principal Holloway says. “There isn’t much money in the budget and I wasn’t sure if there’d be the needed interest to make this happen. But I can’t argue with the support in this room.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Mrs. Fairfax beams at me.
The others nod and anticipation makes my hands shake.
“Yeah?” I look around at Hoshiko, then to Lucas and Nathan, and try not to squeal. “So…we have your approval? We’re going to have a spring musical?”
“Yes!” Miss Sahni says, and claps her hands. “And I’m going to need a lot of help, so I hope you’re ready.”
“Yes, I’m so ready!”
“Good.” Miss Sahni pats my shoulder, and I can feel her pride radiating into me as she says goodbye and walks out with the others.
Mom throws her arms around me after they’re gone.“I’m so proud of you.” She looks at my friends, who have circled around me. “I’m going to go back to the hospital and let your father know. I’m assuming you can get a ride back?”
My eyes flick to Nathan for a moment. “I’m sure someone can drive me.”
She squeezes me one more time and then ducks out, gesturing for Dad’s friends to follow her.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
I laugh giddily, hardly believing it. The rest of the cast—who were clearly eavesdropping from the wings—come running out and my world becomes a blur of screaming and hugging. There’s so much to say and so many thank-yous to give out, but I keep my friends in my peripheral vision. I’m scared they might sneak out before I can thank them again, but they stick around until the others have left and we’re alone.
“This couldn’t have happened without you all. I can never thank you enough.” I pull Hoshiko into a huge hug. Then I go around the circle squeezing Lucas, John, Jordan, Anthony, and Kenzie. Nathan is last and I only hesitate for a moment before hugging him as well.
Lucas shakes his head. “You already had everything in place. We just followed through on it. Though I think Nathan deserves some credit for pushing us to make it happen. We were too devastated about your dad to think clearly.”
“Me too,” I say. I love that they all care so much about him. “He’s going to be okay, really. He was talking and joking with me and complaining about the hospital food. I wouldn’t have left him if I thought he was in any danger.”
They nod, looking relieved.
Hesitantly, I turn to Nathan. He’s standing slightly away, as if he isn’t as much a part of the group as the others. Hoshiko jiggles Lucas’s arm. “Um, we should go. We’re already late for tap.”
“Huh?” he says. She elbows him. “Ohright, we should go.”
Hoshiko smiles knowingly at me and mimes texting. I nod and they head for the exit.
John shifts and the glass apothecary bottles on his belt clink together. “We should go too. LARPing waits for no man. Glad your dad is going to be okay.”
“Yeah, tell him we all say hi,” Anthony says.
Everyone waves and backs away, except for Nathan. As soon as we’re alone, I can feel the crackle of energy between us. There’s so much I need to say to him, but we’re still in the auditorium and Miss Sahni and the others could walk back in at any moment.
“I guess you’re getting your musical,” he says quietly.
“With your help, from what I’ve heard.”
He shrugs off the praise.
“No, really, Nathan, thank you. I never even thought about asking people at the game store if they’d help—that was inspired.”