Page 50 of Dating and Dragons
I hurry away before they can ask questions, careful to peek outside to make sure I don’t recognize anyone. Once I know the coast is clear, I’m able to breathe properly and order a grilled cheese with tomato and bacon. Unfortunately, there are half a dozen people already waiting, which doesn’t bode well for a quick turnaround. I rub my hands up and down my arms to try to keep warm. At least the cold distracts from everything else in my mind.
A guy dressed as Iron Spider walks over to me, his expression more leering than friendly. He isn’t old, but he’s definitely out of high school. “Nice costume. Who are you supposed to be?”
“Diana the Acrobat,” I mumble.
“I don’t know who that is, but I’d love to know who youare.”
I shiver and step away. This is the last thing I need right now. “No thanks.”
“Sure? You must be cold—we could go inside and wait for our food together.”
Someone else steps next to me and I jump away, thinking it might be one of his friends, before realizing its Logan. “Hey.” His eyebrows are furrowed. “You okay?”
“It’s takingforever.” I hope he picks up on the desperation in my voice.
The gross dude eyes Logan. “You with this guy?”
Logan glances at me, as if looking for permission, and I immediately lean into him. He steps closer and puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me tight to his side. His cloak wraps around my back and it’s like I’m being entirely cocooned by him.
“Yeah, she’s with me. Why does it matter to you?”
The guy’s jaw flexes, but Logan only pulls me tighter to him. I know I don’t need a guy to take care of me, but in this moment I’m so grateful to have him here that I practically melt into him.
“Doesn’t matter to me in the least,” the guy says, and throws me a disgusted look before turning back to his friends.
“Wow. I wasn’t expecting pervy guys at the comic event,” Logan whispers, and takes his arm from my shoulder.
“Believe me, they’re everywhere. Sorry to put you in that position, though.”
“Hell no, don’t apologize. You shouldn’t have to deal with guys like that. I would’ve been happy to send him packing if he didn’t leave on his own. Though he does have a few years on me.”
“You could’ve taken him,” I say with a real smile. Everything that’s happened in the last fifteen minutes feels less devastating now that Logan is here.
“Oh yeah?” He returns the smile. “Does the armor give me a leg up? Because I should probably be honest—this six-pack is molded into the plastic.”
I laugh and rub my hands up and down my arms again. Food trucks aren’t so fun when you have to stand outside in early March for the food.
“You’re shivering, Quinn.”
“I’m aware. I really didn’t think through this costume.”
“Well, we kind of forced you into it. Here…” He messes with something at his throat and then pulls his cloak off. “Wear this. It won’t be great, but it might help block the breeze.” Instead of handing it to me, he wraps it around me himself, fussing with it so it covers my shoulders and securing it around my throat.
Keep it together,I repeat to myself, and practically lunge for my food when they call my name. A moment later they call Logan. There’s a small parking lot at the back of the store, and they’ve set out a few picnic tables next to outdoor heaters. It’s not the nicest place I’ve ever had a meal, especially with a dumpster in sight, but the heater keeps me from freezing and the grilled cheese is the perfect combination of crispy and melty.
We take a few bites in companionable silence. It’s nice to sit here with Logan and regroup without feeling like I need to force conversation or keep him entertained. After a bit, he pulls up a schedule for the event on his phone.
“Are you having a good time?” I ask.
“Yeah.” He glares at something behind me. “Though it might be more fun with fewer people around.”
He grumbles something that’s more growl than words. “More guys staring at you. Not that I should be surprised when you look like you just walked out of their dreams.”
My bite of grilled cheese lodges in my throat. I glance over my shoulder and the shock of what I see sends that grilled cheese flying out of my mouth. Caden is as recognizable to me as my mom, even though I only see him in profile. I hack andpound my chest, then shoot to my feet. Another guy I don’t recognize catches my eye and I spin back to face Logan.
“I need to go.”