Page 54 of Dating and Dragons
“I wish I’d been there,” Kashvi practically growls. “I’d have told her what a selfish, two-faced ex-friend she is. But at least you had Logan with you for moral support.”
“Mmm, yes.” My heart races at the memory. Yep, Logan wasdefinitelyup for supporting me in whatever way I wanted him to.
In my mind, he lifts his hand to my cheek again and I imagine what it might have been like had I leaned forward and kissed him. Maybe it wouldn’t have been a good kiss and I’d have put everything in jeopardy for nothing. Maybe I would have kissed him and realized there was nothing between us, like what happened with Caden. But I never swayed in Caden’s presence the way I do with Logan. I never even particularly liked talking to him when the rest of the group wasn’t around, but I’d happily spend hours talking to Logan about D&D campaigns, or possibly anything at all.
“It was nice of him to give you this.” Kashvi tugs on the cloak that’s spread across the seat, and my stomach twists with guilt. I’ve got to get my mind off him.
“It wasn’t a big deal—I got cold waiting for food outside.”
“That sounds like Logan. As kind as he is cute.” Kashvi raises her eyebrows at me as she parks in front of my house. Oh god, my emotions must be so obvious it’s like they’re written across my forehead for anyone to read.
I jump out of the car, feeling jittery. “Thanks for the ride. I’d invite you in, but my parents are scraping wallpaper off the hallway walls and it’s a total mess in there.”
“No problem, I’m ready to get into pajamas and curl under at least three blankets. It was fun hanging out today, though!”
“Absolutely. See you soon.”
I wait until she’s driven down the street and take a deep breath. Well, I don’tthinkshe suspected anything. Not really. Now I just need to make sure that continues…forever…and everything will be good. No big deal.
I pull out my phone, debating if I should text Logan to tell him I still have his cloak or if that’s asking for trouble, only to find that he’s already texted me.
Logan:I wish you had let me drive you home
I tip my head up to the sky and moan. As much as I wish I could shove my phone back in my bag and forget him or tell him to stop texting me…I wish he’d driven me home too.
“Why are you moaning?”
I spin to find Andrew outside holding a trash bag. He’s wearing sweatpants and an old soccer T-shirt with some paint splatters. Looks like I missed out on a big workday.
“And why are you wearingthat?” His expression is a mixture of shock and disgust as he takes in my revealing costume.
“We all dressed up in costumes. Stop spying on me.”
“Are you supposed to be a Kardashian or something?”
I groan. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter.”
“Was that Kashvi in the car?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“You should have invited her in.” He stares down the street even though she’s already long gone.
“What’s with you and Kashvi anyway?” I ask. My tone comes out more accusatory than I mean for it to, but I’m at my emotional limit. “You were acting weird at the soccer game too.”
“She’s cute, she’s cool, she helps me in biology. She isn’t dating anyone, right?”
“No, but she’s also older than youandshe’s my friend.”
He grins at me. “I have no problem dating older women. And I’ll try not to hold your friendship against her—her judgment in friends clearly isn’t flawless, but she can’t be perfect.”
“In your dreams, Andrew.”
He only grins wider. “You don’t want to know what’s in my dreams.”
“Oh my god, getoutof here, you perv!” I pick up a rock from the driveway and throw it at him.
He easily dodges, shoves the bag into the trash can, and jogs back into the house. I know I only have moments until he announces to my parents that I’m home, but my fingers hover over the phone screen as I reread Logan’s text.