Page 134 of Fierce-Michael
“Or not,” Jolene said. “Cade told me to leave you alone.”
“You listen so well,” she said, joking.
“I never listen,” Jolene said. “Ever. But I’m not going to bust your balls or anything. I just want you to know that I’m a good person to talk to. I’ve got an open mind and can be a third party.”
“Your mind is open?” she asked, laughing.
Jolene grinned. “More than you realize. But I’ll let you go now.”
“Thanks,” she said. She watched Jolene walk out and got back to work.
“You haveno idea what is going on?” Jolene asked her son, Cade.
“No,” he said. “Nothing. Why did you go in there?”
“I just wanted to say hi. It’d look funny if I didn’t even do that. You know it. Everyone knows I do what I want.”
“True,” he said. “What did she say?”
“Not much. I told her I’m a good ear and can be a third party. You know nothing at all about what is going on?”
“You’re not going to badger me to death, but the only thing I know is that Electra is moving out of state and pretty much writing Ty off. I don’t know the details and Michael has to get things set legally.”
She waved her hand. “Kelly wouldn’t have an issue with that. No way. She’s been fine with Ty being in Michael’s life all along. If anything, this might be less drama.”
“I think the same thing,” he said. “So I have no idea what is going on. I just went in this morning knowing you were coming to see if things were good.”
“And warn her I’d be here?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.
“Yes. She looked as if she hadn’t had a good night and I decided to keep you away. A lot of good it did.”
“You’re clueless, Cade.” She stood up.
“I’ve been told that enough in my life. Where are you going?”
“To get to the bottom of this the right way,” she said.
“Don’t do it, Mom.”
She ignored her son and marched back into Kelly’s office, shut the door and took a seat.
“Hello again,” Kelly said.
“You don’t have to tell me what is going on with you and Michael.”
“I have no intention of doing that,” Kelly said.
“I don’t want to know,” she said.
Kelly grinned. “Sure, you do.”
“Okay,” she said, shrugging. “I do want to know, but won’t ask or push you to tell me. But I will tell you something.”
“What’s that?”
“Michael is perfect for you. You’re perfect for him. Maybe you don’t see it right now. Or maybe he doesn’t. There are always bumps in the road. They happen. Roads don’t stay smooth and level for long. They get wear and tear on them and have to be repaired.”
“I’m learning that,” she said.