Page 29 of Fierce-Michael
“Many thought that was a sacrifice that you married him?” he asked.
“It wasn’t to me,” she said. “This is horrible. I even feel bad saying it. But I think deep down I knew he wasn’t going to beat it. I didn’t know enough about what was going on with him medically, but talking to him, it became apparent he was tired of fighting.”
“You can only fight so much before things take over anyway,” he said. “Strength alone can’t beat something.”
“No,” she said. “But people do beat leukemia. They get bone marrow transplants and live for years or a normal life as much as they can. I could trip going to the bathroom when I hang up this phone and hit my head just right and it’s lights out permanently.”
“Wow,” he said. “I didn’t realize you were that much of a klutz.”
She laughed on the other end. “I’m not. And I think we should change the topic to something lighter. Just know that I understand where you stand right now in your life.”
“I’m the one who brought up Brian, so my bad.”
“It’s fine. As I said, no one else knows. I think I only told you because I wanted you to not feel bad about what others might judge you on.”
“I don’t feel bad about it,” he said. “It’s a fact of my life.”
“An unapologetic male,” she said. “I don’t even mind that.”
He laughed. “Good to know,” he said.
“ you have your feet up?”
He looked over and saw his sock-covered feet on the couch while he leaned into the corner. “I do.”
“I thought it was kind of sexy to see your feet on your desk at work. A nice confident cocky relaxed vibe.”
He wiggled his toes and the smiley faces moved around. She wouldn’t think that if she saw his feet right now.
But they were socks that Ty picked out one day for himself, then saw they came in Michael’s size and wanted them to be matching.
How could he say no to that?
“That’s me,” he said. “Or used to be. I think. That makes me even more cocky saying that.”
She was laughing on the other end. “I think it’s more confidence and since I’ve got plenty of it myself, I’m okay with it on a man. Actually, I prefer it on the men I date.”
“Yay me,” he said.
“You’re funny, Michael. I’m glad I got to discover that about you.”
“I knew it about you,” he said. “You’re more outgoing.”
“I think you’re just as outgoing as me but only with a select few.”
“I am,” he said. “Is there anything special you want to do on Saturday for our date?”
“I haven’t thought much of it,” she said.
“Is it because you are afraid I’m going to cancel? I won’t. I told you that. My parents will take Ty if Electra cancels. I already checked.”
His mother wanted to know why and he just said he was going out. He didn’t say with whom and his mother wouldn’t ask. She was probably guessing it was with Owen or some other friends.
“Then I’ll put some thought into it,” she said. “Is there anything you don’t like to do or don’t want to do?”
“Not really,” he said. “I’m pretty open minded.”
“How about the Charlotte Fair?” she asked. “I haven’t been in years.”