Page 39 of Fierce-Michael
That was low. “I loved him,” she argued.
“We know you did,” her father said gently. “Your mother didn’t mean anything about it that way. He was a great kid. Butwe all know why you married him. Or you told us why. Had he survived, do you think your marriage would have lasted?”
“It doesn’t matter,” she said. She never talked like that with her parents. That she felt in her mind it wasn’t going to happen because Brian had given up.
She hadn’t wanted to tarnish his memory in anyone’s eyes, least of all her own. There were things she didn’t want to think about.
“No,” her mother said. “It doesn’t. But you had drama during that time and for months and years after with Brian’s parents. They didn’t need to treat you the way they had.”
“They didn’t,” she said. “But they were grieving and they wanted someone to blame.”
“You had no idea about the money,” her father said. “You said that.”
“I didn’t,” she said. “I offered to give it to them. I didn’t want it. I don’t even know how Brian could have made me the beneficiary of the policy. He hadn’t been at his job long either.”
“You did the right thing,” her mother said. “They had no right to say what they did to you or end things the way it was either.”
She didn’t want to get upset over this again. “No,” she said. “And we don’t need to talk about Brian. I’ve been on a few dates with Michael. I like him. No one knows at work yet. I think the next time we talk on a date, and not just via text, we’ll address that.”
“Why don’t you want anyone at work to know?” her mother asked.
“Because they are nosy and they might think Jolene set us up. She didn’t. I made the first move with Michael.”
“You said he’s a single father,” her mother said. “What is that situation? It’s odd that the father has custody.”
She had to figure out a way to explain this without her parents thinking poorly of Michael. Or how he ended up with Ty.
“He was in a short term relationship with a woman. She ended up pregnant and never told him. He found out through someone else and confronted her and she’d said she’d lost his number.”
“Do you lose the number or a way to contact someone you’ve dated?” her father asked lifting his eyebrow. “I’m not sure I’m buying that.”
“I might not have either, but she’s an airhead and very irresponsible. That is part of why he has custody. After a few weeks, his ex said she couldn’t do it. They didn’t get back together, but he’s a stand-up guy and was there for the birth. He pays for everything. I mean everything. Even buying food for his ex because she didn’t have a lot in the house a few weeks ago.”
“He’s still supporting her even though their child lives with him?” her father asked.
She knew that tone of voice. “There is nothing there between them. Nothing more than frustration on Michael’s part. Electra works, but she acts or lives her life like a teen.” She went on to tell her parents about the few weeks she’d been dating Michael and everything that had happened. Even last night.
“Are you sure you want to get involved with someone who has so much going on?” her mother asked. “I know you’ve never been one to demand that much attention from a guy, but this is way over the top.”
“He’s a great father,” she said. “I’d expect Dad to be the same way to me if he was alone.”
“I’m not sure,” her father said, laughing. “Maybe.”
“My point is, that he is a single father and he goes by the theory that his son should have his mother in his life. Even if it’s only a few times a month. He’s done everything that I’d want the father of my kids to do.”
“But you’re not going to be first in his life,” her mother said.
“And that is fine with me right now,” she said. “When I was born, was Dad first in your life or were we both equal?”
She watched her parents look at each other again. “Good point,” her mother said.
“That is how I’m thinking of it. We’ve talked about it. It’s why he’s single. He’s trying and he appreciates that I don’t get mad or upset over things like what happened last night. Next weekend his parents are going to take Ty and there won’t be a problem.”
“So his parents know you’re dating?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “It’s been a few dates and we haven’t gotten to that conversation yet, but we’ve talked about so many other things. He’s just so easy to talk to.”
“That is nice to know. Do you have a lot in common?” his father asked.