Page 50 of Fierce-Michael
“I can’t believe you want to do this on our date,” he said.
“You told me you’d show me things. You can do it here and then any single guy will know I’m taken and not even come near me.”
There was part of him that liked her thinking when it came to that, but he’d been surprised she said she wanted to exercise together. For him to show her how to use the weights.
He figured he’d show her at his house. He still could do that.
“Let me go change,” he said.
He followed her to her place, then brought his bag to her room. She opened a drawer in the dresser. “You can put your clothes in here if you want.”
“Thanks,” he said.
“I guessed you didn’t like wrinkled clothing since you’ve made comments about Ty’s stuff before.”
“I’m not anal about it,” he said.
“I didn’t say that. Just offering up a drawer.”
She was smirking when she said it, but he wouldn’t take offense to it either. No reason to.
“Are you going to stand there and watch me change?”
“Yes,” she said. “I am. Just like I’m going to help you get those clothes off when we are done. We can get sweaty in the gym, then come back here and clean up...together.”
“I like that you plan ahead,” he said.
He pulled his shirt off and dropped his jeans, then grabbed the T-shirt he’d taken out of his bag and the shorts to pull up.
When he turned, she lifted her shirt and flashed a black sports bra at him. “Nothing sexy here. I don’t have a ton on top, but I like to keep them strapped down. Working out next to you is going to turn me on and we don’t need other people noticing my nips.”
He started to laugh. “But it’s okay if I get turned on and someone might notice that with me.”
“Don’t you own a pair of those compression shorts?”
“I don’t,” he said. “I work out at home and not much is turning me on there. But I might need a pair after today.”
“I think you’ve got a lot of body control,” she said. “I won’t tease you too much and I’ll keep my T-shirt on. I don’t like to be gawked at.”
“Thanks for that,” he said. But the T-shirt was still fitted to her body and resting at her hips. Hips that were snug in her leggings. He was pretty sure she didn’t have underwear on or it was a thong because he didn’t see any lines.
He wasn’t letting his mind go there.
This was going to be one interesting date.
Kelly had never worked out with a man before.
She’d made this suggestion for a couple of reasons. One, she wanted to see Michael using some strength. Two, she wanted any guy to know she was taken who might be looking at her when she worked out. Three, she wanted to work him up well, getting him all hot and sweaty which in turn would do the same to her.
“Let’s go,” she said, grabbing his hand and two bottles of water out of the fridge. “The gym is the building across the street. I don’t have far to go to get there.”
There were a lot of buildings in the complex. “Makes it convenient. Do you have to pay or anything?”
“No,” she said. “It’s part of my fees, just have to sign you in. We are allowed one guest with us. Not many people use the gym. I’d think at this time on a Saturday it might be slow.”