Page 55 of Fierce-Michael
“It’s not a secret but new. Just keeping it low-key while I figure it out.”
“That’s the best way to do it,” Jolene said. “Slow and steady wins the race.”
“Not if my mother has anything to say about it,” Ella said. “Mom, were you looking for me?”
“Nope,” Jolene said. “Just decided to come up and visit while I wait for our lunch. Dad is at the brewery.”
“You don’t have to bug the staff while you do it.”
“She’s not bugging me,” Kelly said. She’d never insult Jolene.
“She pays people to say that,” Ella said. “Go bug Cade when he gets off the phone.”
“I suppose I could,” Jolene said. “I know it will be any day now with Alex and I should see what they need from me. I’m sure Alex has everything set with Michael. What a great assethe’s been to her. So glad he moved back home when he had years ago. She’d be lost without him.”
Nothing Kelly hadn’t heard before. “I’m sure you’re excited about your new granddaughter,” she said.
“I am,” Jolene said, moving out of the office quickly.
Phew. Saved by Ella once again without her even knowing it.
But Ella moved to the door and shut it. “So you’re dating someone?” Ella asked.
“You heard me tell your mother that?” she asked. She thought she was quiet.
“Nope. I’ve noticed what everyone else has in the past few days. You’re smiling. You’re whistling and you’re giggling. That means only one thing.”
“What’s that?” she asked. She’d have to be more careful. “I’ve always been upbeat and happy. People love that about me.”
“We do,” Ella said. “But this is something more. An extra sparkle that got shot with steroids.”
“You think so?” she asked, grinning.
“You did just say you were dating someone. So all those extra little smiles and giggles mean you’re in love.”
“I don’t know I’d go that far,” she said.
Good lord, the last thing she needed was anyone to find out that she was in love with Michael and she hadn’t even told him. It wasn’t on her radar to have that conversation any time soon either.
He’d just told her this weekend that his parents knew and she thought that was a good first step, but she had worried that his parents would tell Alex or Alex’s mother.
Michael assured her that wouldn’t happen.
“Maybe you aren’t ready to admit it to yourself yet. Or Michael.”
“What?” she asked in a panic.
“Damn,” Ella said. “My mother is so clueless.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
“Come on, Kelly. My mother is throwing names at you looking for a reaction. She wasn’t paying enough attention, but I did when she said his name. I saw the quick rise of your eyes and your shoulders tense.”
“That is because she was watching you while she talked to me,” Kelly said. “She always thinks you know something and is hiding it from her so she was looking for clues.”
“That’s right. You’re welcome. I covered for you. But in the process, I figured out it was Michael. Right?”
No reason to lie. It wouldn’t sit well with her anyway.