Page 57 of Fierce-Michael
“She asked me to set her up with someone a while ago. I just figured that she had poor luck with men to ask that. She’s been single for a long time. My guess is this one won’t work either.”
“You don’t know that,” Cade said. “I don’t know why you think if it’s not you picking a mate, then it’s a bad decision.”
Jolene brushed her knuckles on her chest and laughed. “Because I’m always right. Just remember that when you’re holding your new daughter soon.”
“You won’t let me forget,” he said, smirking. His phone rang and he reached for it. “Now I’ve got a call.”
“I’ll go bug Ella,” she said. She knew for a fact Ella knew what was going on and she’d get some information there.
“Hi, Mom,” Ella said before she even got her foot in the door. “I know you’re standing out there listening.”
She turned and came in. “How did you know that?”
“I felt that annoyance vibrating off of you by not getting any answers from Cade.”
Ella was smirking at her. “Who is Kelly dating?”
“Why would you think I’d know that?” Ella asked.
“Because I saw it on your face when you came in. You know.”
“I know the same things you do,” Ella said. “She’s been happier and laughing more. I took a guess just like you but haven’t heard anything from anyone.”
“You’re not lying to me?” she asked.
“Would I do that to you?”
“Yes,” she said. “You would.”
“Then why ask me that?” Ella asked.
“Whoever it is, do you think it will last?”
“Since it’s new like she’d said, I have no way of knowing that any more than you,” Ella said.
“I’ve got a few men I think will work for her. Top of the list is Michael, but they’ve known each other for years and don’t seem to react much other than as coworkers when their names come up.”
“There you go,” Ella said. “You got your answer there.”
Not even a flinch of her daughter’s face or change in her eyes over Michael’s name.
“Not good enough,” she said. She was staring at her daughter to see if she could figure out the truth, but Ella had always been a tough nut to crack when she wanted to be loyal.
“Trying to out-stare me isn’t going to work,” Ella said, laughing. “I learned from the best. And I’ve got work to do.”
“Fine,” she said. “I’ll let it go.”
“You never let it go,” Ella said. “But your lunch is most likely done and Dad texted to say he’s five minutes away.”
“Why are you telling me that now?” she asked. “He hates when I keep him waiting.”
“Maybe I wanted my mother to get a lecture for being nosy,” Ella said.
Jolene walked out shaking her head.
When she got downstairs, Gavin was picking up their food and leaning on the counter talking to Liam.
“There you are,” Gavin said. “Struck out upstairs, didn’t you?”