Page 74 of Fierce-Michael
“Thank you for my Easter basket,” Ty said, giving both of his grandparents a hug and kiss. They remembered even though Electra hadn’t. He was happy his son thanked them without being prompted.
“Thanks for taking him to the movies last night,” he said to Electra’s parents.
“It was our pleasure,” Electra’s father said. “We’ll let you get a move on so we can talk to our daughter.”
Michael didn’t want to stick around for another lecture Electra was going to get. He’d heard about them enough when the two of them were dating for that short month.
He supposed he was thankful that Electra’s parents didn’t fight the custody arrangement, but they didn’t have the money to do it. They lived a simple life and worked a lot. They treated their only grandson well and loved him and that was all he could ask for.
“Please stay,” Electra said to him.
“Nope,” he said. “See you on Tuesday. We’ve got things to do today. Ty, go hug your mom.”
Ty ran to Electra, hugged her, and then grabbed Michael’s hand for them to walk out together. Ty didn’t do that often and he wondered what might be going on. He’d find out soon. The last thing he wanted to do was cancel on Kelly meeting with everyone, but if Ty wasn’t in a good frame of mind, it might not be good.
They got in his SUV and Ty said from the backseat, “Grandma and Grandpa got me some fun coloring books and crayons and candy. They are in my bag. And they took me to the movies as part of my gift too.”
“That was nice of them. I’m glad you had a good time.”
“I did,” Ty said. “I like spending time with them, but not as much as my other grandparents. Is that bad to think that?”
“No,” he said. “Is there a reason you feel that way? Remember, you see my parents more so you will always feel more comfortable with them.”
“Mom’s parents just aren’t as fun. They never want to play with me. Grandpa Kirk just watches TV and Grandma Amber is always in the kitchen.”
“But they did take you to the movies and you had fun, right?”
“I did,” Ty said. “What are we doing today?”
“Well,” he said. “We are going to my parents right now. I thought you could meet Kelly if you want. But if you don’t feel like it’s something you want to do today, we don’t have to.”
He hoped Ty said he wanted to do it, but he wouldn’t push either.
“You said she’s fun, right?” Ty asked.
He smiled as he looked in the review mirror to see Ty’s hopeful face. “She’s a lot of fun. She’d like to meet you, but if you aren’t ready that is okay too.”
“I want to,” Ty said. “I told Mom about Kelly. She got annoyed. Mom never gets mad and she did. Then she called her parents to come get me.”
His jaw hurt he was clenching it so hard. “Did she yell at you?”
“No,” Ty said. “Just that her smile dropped and she asked me questions. I didn’t know the answers. But then she got quiet and called someone to go out and then her parents. I heard her say she wanted to get drunk.”
Things that shouldn’t be said in front of their four-year-old child. “You had fun with your grandparents that you don’t get to see often, so it worked out.”
“Yes,” Ty said.
“Is everything else okay?” he asked. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“Can we have something good to eat today?” Ty asked. “I had oatmeal for breakfast. I don’t like oatmeal even though Grandma Amber put bananas and syrup over it. I only ate the bananas.”
He laughed. “Sure. I think Grandma Susan is making her famous big burgers today.”
“Yes,” Ty said, pumping his fist in the air.
He’d requested that, knowing his son enjoyed them. Maybe he was nervous about it all and wanted Ty to think of the things he liked rather than meeting someone who might be taking his father’s attention away.