Page 79 of Fierce-Michael
Kelly left work half a day two days later before Michael picked her up. They were going to her parents for dinner tonight. Providing that Ty ended up at Electra’s, but so far there didn’t seem to be an issue.
First thing she was going to do was go work out though. The gym should be quiet and she could get it over with and it’d help her relax a bit too. Relieve some tension.
The meeting with Michael and his parents went so well and she wanted the one with her parents to be the same.
“I haven’t seen you in a while.”
She’d just gotten on the treadmill and was going to turn on some music on her phone to listen in her earbuds when she heard that and turned.
“Hi, Jill. What are you doing here?”
“I’m on vacation this week. I’ve been running around and thought I’d sneak over now. How about you?”
Talk about a coincidence and when she was hoping to avoid people.
“I took half a day to get some things done and decided to get my workout in first.”
“I’m going to get up here next to you,” Jill said. “We can chat about what I heard.”
So much for getting lost in the music. In the past she’d be fine with this. She liked Jill. More like she’d always been an ear for Jill when she was struggling with her boyfriend and she could cheer her up.
“What is that you heard?” she asked, adjusting the speed on the treadmill.
“That you’ve got a boyfriend,” Jill said. “Someone that is huge!”
She laughed. She’d come to the gym two more times with Michael when he’d been staying at her house or visiting on a Tuesday when Ty was at Electra’s. She hadn’t spent the night at his once and it was fine. Maybe now that Ty was aware of her relationship with Michael, they could get to that point in the future.
“I do have a boyfriend,” she said. “Who told you?”
“Kyle,” Jill said. “He’s had his eye on you for years.”
“Who is Kyle?” she asked. She’d never heard the name before and if she’d known someone was interested in her in the past, she’d at least talk to them and see if there was anything worth exploring.
“He lives in my building,” Jill said. “He’s shy. He’s seen you coming and going and has asked about you before.”
“I haven’t been to your building since I started dating Michael,” she said. “The only way someone would see us together is if it was here or if they saw us going into my building together.”
She didn’t want to think she was being watched or anything like that.
“Kyle works out here. You might not notice him. He doesn’t stand out much. Average height, build. Brown hair and eyes. Keeps to himself,” Jill said.
Which described a lot of men and half the time she wasn’t looking around because she was interested but more because she was aware of the people around her.
“If he’s never come up to talk to me, then I wouldn’t know. But yes, I’ve got a boyfriend.”
“And he’s huge,” Jill said again. “Where did you meet and how long has it been going on?”
“We met at work,” she said.
“He works for Fierce?” Jill asked. “Is he related to them? You know, like you’ve said before that the owner sets people up?”
She talked to be friendly and maybe should have kept some things to herself.
“No,” she said. “He is the COO of Marshall Printing. He works for Cade’s wife.”