Page 7 of Holiday Flame
He shifts again. His hand briefly tightens on my waist, sending a fresh ripple pleasure through me. What this man does to me with the simplest touch. I can’t wait to find out what hecan do when there’s nothing standing between us and we’re all alone.
Because I’m going to do this. I’m going to hand in my V-card before the year is over. And this Santa Claus right here is the perfect guy to do the job.
“Um, Jade?“
“Yeah?“ I cringe inwardly. I hope that sounded sexy breathy and not ridiculous breathy.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be sitting here.“
My brow knits. “Am I too heavy for you or something? “
“No, that isn’t it.“ His Adam’s apple bobs up and down “I just don’t think your brother would be too happy to see where you’re sitting.“
A slow grin spreads across my lips. “But isn’t that part of the fun?”
He swallows again. His gaze briefly drops to my décolletage. I nearly sigh in relief. Good. Apparently he isn’t completely immune to me either. That’ll make seducing him all the easier.
At least, that’s what Piper said to me when she and Paisley pulled me aside to offer tips before I staged my first wave of this battle.
Ears turning pink, Remington raises his dark gaze to mine and clears his throat again. God, that’s so sexy. So gravelly. I’ve really chosen well. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…”—I rub my freshly painted lips together, pleased when I capture his attention— “isn’t the taboo nature of all of us part of what makes it so sexy?“
“Jade.” He stares at my lips. “Please?“
The poor man keeps glancing at the door as if he expects my brother to come in, battle ax swinging .
I have to admit, this is even more fun than I expected. Not just the whole stepping out of my comfort zone and flirtingpart, but this. Making Remington—a man who ordinarily is the definition of swagger—nervous.
It’s… empowering and powerful.
I glance over his shoulder to my friends. Piper gives me a thumbs up. Maxine watches with mouth and eyes wide open. Piper looks like a proud mama bird watching her baby take flight.
As for Mabel and Astrid… I can’t quite tell what they are doing. Mabel is stroking the side of Astrid‘s neck with two fingers. And Astrid is panting.
I frown at them, and they only carry on with more accentuated movements. Then it hits me. They want me to do what they’re doing. Following my guides’ directions, I lift my fingers toward Remington’s neck.
“Seriously.” His eyes widen and he grabs my hands. “What the hell are you doing?”
So much for seducing him with touch. “You, uh, have something on your shirt.”
I pull my hand free, pick an invisible piece of fuzz from the lapel of his flannel shirt, and toss it aside. “All better now.”
“Thanks.” He eyes me suspiciously. “Jade, there’s a perfectly good chair right next to me.”
“I’m comfortable where I am.”
He shifts. “I’m not.”
I don’t know whether to be hurt or offended. But when I move, I feel an unmistakable hard bulge at the front of his jeans.
“Oh.” My cheeks flush. Remington is uncomfortable, just not in a rude way.
Maybe I’m better at this whole seduction thing than I thought. It’s almost a shame I didn’t figure it out sooner. Then again, if I had, maybe I would have wasted my powers on someone way less sexy than Remington.
Taking pity on the poor guy, I slide into the next seat. “Where did your friends go?”
He shifts again in his chair, and it’s all I can do not to smirk at his discomfort. He swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobs up and down.