Page 4 of Kingdom of Faewood
“If there’s nothing else, Your Majesty, my lorafin has arrived, which means we shall be on our way.” My guardian’s eyes met mine over the mirror, and he gave me an approving nod when he took in my gown and hair.
A relieved smile bloomed across my face.
In the looking glass, the king straightened his lapels. “Yes,please do, and make haste. I have several things on my agenda this afternoon, so I can’t be running late.”
With a charming smile, my guardian replied, “Of course, Your Majesty. We’ll be there shortly.”
Wind whippedthrough my hair as we zoomed along the road through the Wood toward the palace. Guardian Alleron had his enchanted carpet moving at full speed, and I loved the fresh air brushing across my face.
Trees towered over us, their thick canopy blocking most of the sun. Every now and then, a set of eyes appeared at the road’s edge, through the brush as the wildling fae watched us pass. Most of the time, we were moving too quickly for me to see which creatures observed us, but when we careened around a corner, the carpet slowed enough for me to see a pair of familiar eyes.
Esopeel watched us from under the brush. The small femalecerlikanwaved to me in greeting, and I had just enough time to subtly wave in return before we flew past her.
Our hurried pace continued as we glided over streams and caressed the tips of low-lying shrubs that brushed the side of the Wood’s road. I tried to spot more of my wildling friends, but our speed made that difficult. It was probably for the best, though. Guardian Alleron had no idea how many wildlings I’d befriended in the time since we’d settled here, waiting for hisestate to be built, and he would likely put a stop to it if he knew.
A ray of sunshine warmed my cheeks when we reached a small clearing, and just above the trees, one of the palace’s spires appeared. I quickly checked my hair, but despite our rushed flight, the hairstyle Lillivel had chosen for me kept my long locks in place. Only a few strands had slipped free from one of my braids. I tamed them as best as I could, but my fingers trembled even though I tried to steady them.
We flew past the Centennial Matches’ activity on the land bordering the palace, and finally arriving at our destination, our carpet glided to a stop right in front of the palace doors. Wide stone steps lined with blooming manicured gardens led to the opulent palace entrance.
“Wait here,” my guardian instructed the four guards who accompanied us.
They all dipped their heads at Guardian Alleron and stood stoically. But two of them cast their attention to Leafton, Faewood Kingdom’s vibrant capital, visible in the distance. Most of the guards employed at Emerson Estate were quite familiar with the capital’s manysalopas, and I couldn’t help but wonder if they were imagining their next night off.
Guardian Alleron jumped from the carpet, his solid frame landing lightly. He stood tall, his lithe yet powerful figure filling out his tapered jacket perfectly. White teeth flashed when he smiled, and his tanned skin looked made for the bright sun streaming upon us.
Several wildling fae employed to tend to the palace grounds stopped to watch him, and Guardian Alleron made a show of holding his hand out to assist me down.
I took his outstretched palm, knowing it would please him, and the familiar feel of his large hand closed over mine. Automatically, I fell into the role of his dutiful lorafin about to be sold off to the wealthy for a calling.
Smiling up at him, I nodded my thanks when I finally stood back on solid ground.
A flare of approval radiated from him. “You’re doing wonderfully,” he whispered so quietly that I knew only my ears had heard him.
My heart soared.
Ahead, at the massive stone entry doors, the palace staff stood at attendance, all wildlings. A maleramifintook charge, one I hadn’t dealt with before.
“Welcome!” he called. “If you would please follow me.”
In no time, my guardian and I were inside the palace and being ushered down numerous hallways and corridors.
“The king and his guests are in his favorite sitting room.” The ramifin’s hooves clopped on the stone floor with each step he took. He wore the same attire as all of the serving staff we passed—dark-brown slacks and an aqua top with pearly buttons up its center. “It’s just this way. Almost there.”
I kept my head held high as we followed, but I was thankful for my guardian’s firm grip on my elbow. I was toperform three callings today.Three. Stars and galaxy, I hoped I could.
My silky, flat shoes slipped softly over the polished flooring, barely making a sound while the wooden heels on my guardian’s shoes clicked loudly. Their footsteps were the only sound in the monstrous palace save for voices that could be heard drifting to us from farther ahead.
“Just a few more turns,” the ramifin called over his shoulder as a few snippets of conversation reached me from ahead.
“...a noble spotted him last night in the Wood. I have a feeling he’s after my shipment that’s on its way to Ampum.”
“What makes you think that? I thought you’ve kept that stash hushed? How could he possibly know about it?” another male asked.
“I have kept it quiet,” the first replied, “but anyone would crave the wealth of gold bars I acquired from the mines in Mistvale. It’s possible I have a traitor in my midst, or maybe one of my staff slipped up and spoke about it.”
A female gasped. “But how do they know it was actually the Dark Raider that’s been spotted?”
“His black mask and head scarf.” A third male replied, and the sound ofhisvoice nearly made me stop cold, but I quickly righted myself, and my blunder only got a small, disapproving frown from my guardian. However, my skin crawled as Lordling Neeble continued. “His telltale attiregave him away, but the noble could have been wrong. When he looked again, he said nobody was there.”