Page 59 of Calling Quarters
She only nodded her response. I could tell she had the same doubts we all had; she was just afraid to voice them out loud. Her hand swiped across the bottom of her nose, and she stood straight, turning toward the cash registers.
“We've got fresh herbs and cedar at home. I'm sure Grammy won't mind if we take a few.”
We stopped at the checkout counter and Callista greeted us with a warm smile. She scanned our candlesticks and looked between the two of us skeptically.
“I hope you ladies aren't planning on doing anything irresponsible tonight.” Her eyes landed on Blaire and stared for a long moment in stern, silent warning like only a mother could do. “You know how dangerous it's going to be out there.”
Blaire held her hands up innocently. “I'm not doing anything.”
Callista quickly glanced at me before she turned to the register and printed a receipt that she shoved off to the side. She grabbed the bag of candles and handed them over the counter, casting one last look of caution toward her daughter.
“You're all set,” she chirped, never asking for payment.
I grabbed the bag and turned toward the doors, eager to escape Callista's icy attitude. For the first time since I met her, she reminded me of her mother. The Granger insolence was far more intimidating when it came from someone as kind as Callista or Blaire. I had at least learned to expect it from Tabitha.
“She's just worried,” Blaire explained when she met with me outside the pharmacy. “After what happened on Mabon, her and Grammy have forbidden me from practicing any magic for Samhain. I think it bothers them that they can't do the same to you.”
We walked to the hotel in silence as I considered what she said. I was under the impression that whatever Tabitha and Callista did on Mabon actually helped save Beacon Grove while the Quarters were being attacked. If they weren't planning on practicing any protective spells through Samhain and the Quarters were busy communicating with their ancestors, who would be there to save everyone when the black magic inevitably took over?
I didn't get a chance to ask Blaire before we got to the hotel. As always, the walk from town was much shorter with a Granger there to lead the way. I didn't think that would ever make sense to me.
“What do you think you're doing?” Tabitha barked from her recliner when Blaire began picking off herbs from their backyard garden just outside the doorway.
“Storie needs a few and Mom was fresh out,” Blaire casually explained, throwing random leaves into the paper bag she grabbed on our way through the kitchen.
“Let me guess, you're planning to do something stupid with that boy,” Tabitha murmured expressionlessly to me, turning her attention back to the TV.
Blaire rolled her eyes and carried the bag over to the built-in shelves surrounding the TV Tabitha was watching. She opened a few cupboards and dug around before she found what she was searching for. After shoving a thick green bundle of cedar into the bag and folding it shut, she slammed it into my chest and nodded.
“That should be it.”
“Are you sure you don't want to come?” I offered one last time while we walked through the house, hopeful that she'd change her mind.
“She's not going anywhere near those boys tonight,” Tabitha's startling voice bounced off the walls.
Blaire looked at me and tilted her head apologetically. “It's best I stay here in case they need me. You'll be okay, though.”
Remy had a pot of water boiling when I arrived with the supplies. He pulled the herbs from the paper bag, closely assessing each one before unceremoniously throwing them into the water. Rhyse was going through the house and prying open windows, allowing the chilled Autumn air to sweep into the warmed space. Lux grabbed a mop and bucket and waited by the stove for Remy to finish boiling the water.
I watched in astonishment as they each moved together flawlessly through the cabin without speaking a single word. Lux dumped the still-boiling infused water into the bucket and began swiping it around the floor with the mop, starting in the back of the cabin and working toward the door. Enzo lit the cedar stick and waved it around the room as Rhyse followed behind and closed the windows. Remy set the candles up on the table and lit them.
The whole process took less than half an hour. By the time they were done, the sun was setting, and the room was quickly darkening. The fireplace filled the space with a warm, orange glow and the candles flickered on the table, making their shadows dance across the walls as they gathered around the circular table and took their seats.
Remy dragged an extra stool over for me between him and Enzo. Once we were all seated, Remy began to explain the process.
“We're going to draw from our elements as best as we can. Once I've accessed the spirit world, I'll be able to share that energy with everyone and hopefully give you guys a boost. We're going to focus on calling Storie's family forward.”
He turned his attention toward me. The flames from the candles reflected perfectly into his black eyes, giving them an odd appearance as he spoke of his ability to access the underworld and manipulate its energy.
“Since we share energy, I'm not sure if you'll be able to enter the spirit world or if I'll have to relay messages to you. Either way, we'll do our best to get answers.”
I dipped my head, and he took that as confirmation, his gaze bouncing around the table to be sure everyone else was ready to begin. Enzo grabbed the knife sitting before him and dragged it across his palm with a hiss. I gasped as he handed the bloodied blade over to Lux, who repeated the movement.
One by one, they each drew blood and held their fists over a ceramic bowl in the center of the table, allowing it to spill and mix together with the others.
Remy shot me a reassuring look and they began whispering a chant to fully lift the veil between worlds.