Page 38 of Counting Quarters
“Because I trust Blaire. She’s on our side.”
Her quivering voice said the exact opposite, though.
“We won’t accuse you of anything,” Remy promised.
I considered all of them for a moment, weighing my options. None of them had done anything to earn my trust. Even Storie watched me as if she couldn’t be sure what my next move was.
They were afraid of me, as they should be.
Isn’t this what I wanted?
For them to realize I had value and regret every time they ever mistreated me?
But a flash of light flickered in the corner behind Lux, and I knew what it was before her face could appear. Hailey took in the scene before her with widened, careful eyes, as if she were warned to be afraid of the Quarters, but had never been in the same room as any of them before to know why. I thought back to what she told me she could remember about the night she was taken, and all the other horrible things Rayner and his Movement had done to the people I grew up with.
This was bigger than me. It was bigger than the resentment I held for every single person who wronged me in my life. I couldn’t pity the Quarters for allowing their ego to lead them when I was doing the exact same thing.
It was with that thought that I found myself taking a step back into the cabin and allowing Storie to close the door behind me.
Agreeing to put my own feelings aside to talk through our new reality was only the first step. Enzo and Rhyse refused to drop their accusatory attitudes, often sending doubtful sneers my way whenever I revealed more information about my gifts.
Lux continued to watch from the back of the room, peppering his calming thoughts into the conversation when it got too heated. Remy was the most receptive to accepting me as an equal, probably because he had nothing to lose from it. He'd gained the full use of his gifts once he and Storie accepted each other as Counter and Quarter.
The two of them sat across from one another in the small main room of the cottage, occasionally sharing glances that indicated they were having their own silent quarrel.
Grammy finally found what she was looking for in her book. It was a page about securing a powerful protection spell to keep out any dark threats.
“This is ridiculous. We are the protection spell for Beacon Grove,” Rhyse challenged once she was done reading the page aloud.
She ignored him. “This method works against threats that also may fall within the protection bubble when the spell is cast,” she further explained.
“Rhyse is right. How is this better than our method? With Blaire’s help, we should be able to lift a shield stronger than ever before.” Lux's head was propped on his hand as he leaned over the table to read the spell himself.
“Your shield only offered protection to outside threats. That's how he got away with it last time. I think it's safe to assume that Rayner has members planted all over town. This will neutralize anything that falls under the shield.”
“Won't Watchtower be angry about that?”
“They won't know it's in place. No one can be trusted with our plans.”
“That makes no sense,” Enzo chimed in. “How are we going to keep them from using magic?”
“We aren't. I have it on good authority from the sheriff that Mayor Douglas will be issuing a ban on magic for the day of the festival.” Grammy raised a sly brow, her mouth twisting into a smirk.
Rhyse and Enzo rolled their eyes at the mention of the mayor. Apparently, me and Kyle weren’t the only ones who were skeptical of him.
“Why would he do that?” Remy asked no one in particular.
“Who knows? But if he's in Rayner's pocket like we think, he could be trying to clear the way for the Movement to take Beacon Grove.”
I thought back to what Remy had asked Grammy when we first arrived at the cabin. Now that they knew about my gifts, maybe they could help me.
“What do you know about the animals?”
Grammy turned around to look at me curiously.
“There's been a string of dead animals found in the woods wearing women's clothing. Specifically clothing that matches the girls who were taken last year,” she explained.
I knew all that, thanks to Kyle.