Page 40 of Counting Quarters
The Beacon: Fire Festival is ON
MayorDouglasannouncedthis week that Beacon Grove will be celebrating Beltane and holding the annual Fire Festival. This news comes after the mayor has blocked the celebrations of Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara, forcing citizens to honor the festivities within their own homes instead.
Beacon Grove business owners rejoiced as the news came in, desperate for the chance to catch up on their usual business this year.
It's alleged that Tabitha Granger was the catalyst for making it all happen, and while we at The Beacon are no strangers to the receiving end of Ms. Granger's wrath, we're grateful for the work she's done in ensuring the Fire Festival can be celebrated as it should be.
The festival will begin on April 30th at dusk and will end on May 1st at dusk.
A fair will be set up in the town’s square with fun planned for the whole family.
The Quarters will light the bonfire at 6 pm on April 30th. Immediately after, Watchtower High’s own theater department will put on the traditional Baltane performance to lead us into Summer.
Please note: While festivities will continue throughout the night, parents are urged to keep their children away from the town square after 11 pm on April 30th and before 8 am on May 1st.
Sheriff Abbot would like to remind the citizens of Beacon Grove that while Fire Festival is a celebration of prosperity and fertility in the coming season, residents are expected to behave appropriately in public spaces.