Page 72 of Counting Quarters
I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth, smiling shyly as he returned to me and pushed my shirt over my breasts. In one long, slow stroke, his tongue traced a line from my belly button to my sternum.
My hand went back to his erection, gently squeezing as I pumped up and down. He hovered on top of me, arms braced on either side of my head as I stroked him over my stomach. When I began feeling his familiar twitch, he backed out of my grip and leaned down to nibble my ear.
“Not yet,” he whispered, then climbed off the bed and flipped me over onto my stomach.
I felt his erection move against my crack before he gave my ass a hard smack that had me yelping. Then, his hand caressed the spot he had just assaulted and slid down to my thighs, spreading my legs. A knee came up onto the bed just before the mattress sunk under his weight, rolling me closer toward him.
I felt him teasing my opening, and then he was slowly slipping inside of me. A moan escaped my lips as he filled me, then slowly began rocking against my thighs. The position had me rubbing against the bed in the most delicious way. That, combined with the sensation of Kyle's hands squeezing my hips to keep them steady as he drilled into me, had my orgasm building up within minutes. Kyle continued as I pulsed around him with stars in my eyes, this time reaching a whole new level of pleasure. It happened another two times before I felt his hot liquid spilling inside of me as he reached his own release.
When we each finished, I sat up in bed and crossed my legs and Kyle remained lounging on his side, his head propped up by his hand.
“I really do have to talk to you about something.”
“Sorry, I got carried away.”
He smirked, reaching his hand between us to tickle my inner thighs. The move had me ready to jump onto his lap and go another round with him, but I stopped myself.
I took a calming breath, and then looked directly into his eyes as I said, “Grammy and my mom think you're my Counter. I agree with them.”
He stilled, face twisted in shock. I could see the different thoughts passing through his mind as they shifted from doubt to disbelief to understanding. I could feel them, too. They whipped through my chest like a deck of cards.
It went against all logic, yet it made complete sense.
He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped as if he'd just remembered something. His head snapped toward the mirror on my dresser, at the reflection of us sitting on the bed together, and he let out a string of cuss words. Before I could stop him, he was hopping off the bed and snatching up his discarded shorts from the floor.
I watched in confusion as he ripped the mirror off the top of my dresser, knocking my things onto the floor, and then lifted it over his shoulder and walked out of the room.
“What are you doing?”
I grabbed my robe and wrapped it tightly around my naked body, then followed him. He was already halfway down the stairs by the time I made it out of my room, and he didn't appear to be stopping.
We crossed the front lawn and Kyle slammed the mirror down against the curb. Shattered pieces bounced around the grass and the street, covering his bare feet. He didn't seem to care.
Not when he finally turned back toward me with a terror-stricken look, and said, “I made a mistake, and now he knows.”