Page 66 of Switching Graves
“Oh, please. There’s no chance you’re going to convince me that you didn’t walk back to your dorm and immediately finish the job yourself. Who did you imagine was inside of you then?”
Damn this guy. Who speaks like this? So open and crass.
“What the hell do you know? You’re just some creepy weird guy who gets off secretly watching people have sex.”
“Secretly? You knew full well that I was there, and you liked it. You wished it was my face between your legs instead of his. That’s why you didn’t say anything when you saw me standing there—I was the perfect distraction from his subpar work.”
I practically choke on my tongue.
“You’re certifiable. I’m sure you can recognize how deranged this behavior is . . . ” I should stop there. Divulging any more details about that night will only make it harder to forget and move past. I’m just so fucking pissed off, I can’t stop my lips from moving.
“His work was ‘subpar’ because the asshat tried to slip me something and ended up drinking it himself. I may walk right out of here and report you myself,” I threaten again.
Dr. Whitlock stiffens, his expression falling into a dark mask of indifference. Those black eyes are the only indication he’s feelinganythingat all, and they’re absolutely terrifying.
Rage. I can feel the unfiltered, hot fury radiating off him in waves. If it’s directed at me or Hayes—I have no idea.
His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he leans forward against his desk, fingers laced together before him. The teasing, lighthearted mood from before has completely dissolved away, and in its place is nothing but a heavy, somber silence.
To my relief, he doesn’t pry for any more details or ask me to repeat myself.
Though, the alternative is much worse.
“I have nothing to hide, Miss Ellery.You do,” he begins slowly, his voice a low, threatening rumble. “Any attempt at putting my job in jeopardy will only take away your chances here. You’ve finally got the position you want, working alongside the head of the Psychology Department within your first two months here. Imagine how that will look on your resume.”
“This is why you fired Hayes? To leverage the job over me?”
He shakes his head. “I fired Hayes because his work ethic was nonexistent, as you well know.” I roll my eyes at that, my cheeks heating. “I’m offering the job so I can keep a close eye on you.”
“And why the hell would you want to do that?”
“Because I can sense that you’re nothing but trouble. An annoying deviation from the plan. I can’t have you running loose any longer.”
Crossing my arms over my chest, I relax back into the chair the same way he is. If he’s going to try to corner me, I’m at least going to put up a good fight. “Are you sure you aren’t just jealous?”
His brows pull together in a scowl as he rears back. “Of what?”
I bite my lip, tightening my arms to push my tits together a little more. His dark gaze flicks downward before he senses the trap and they jump back up.
“Hayes was taking his fair share of me that night. Maybe you didn’t like being stuck on the other side of the glass, forced to watch it happen.”
He barks out a laugh, surprising me so much, I jump in my chair.
“I can assure you, my needs are well taken care of by women who I’m sure are far more experienced. I don’t need my assistant’s leftovers, especially when they’re taken without permission.”
My cheeks and neck are reddened with embarrassment, but I still scramble to recover. He won’t see the disappointment that’s sinking in my chest.
“Oh yes, the school counselor,” I smile, twirling my hair around my finger.
“Among others,” he agrees.Bastard.
“I apologize. I didn’t realize you liked your women so . . . ” I circle my hand in the air between us, pretending to search for the word. “Loose.”
My heart kicks up in my chest as I watch the insult settle in, amusement crossing his face before he schools his expressionback into neutrality. Guilt creeps into the back of my mind for speaking about Miss Mercer so poorly, but I shove it aside.
This is good. At least he doesn’t look like he wants to murder me anymore.
“I think the word you were looking for wascapable. I like a woman who is capable of handling my . . . unique needs.”