Page 2 of Snowy Secrets
I roll my eyes again, but a smile tugs at my lips. "Okay, maybe there's a little something there. He did ask me to save a dance for him."
Millie smiles, but there's a hint of something in the way she does it. "Bella, you're a woman with a mind of your own, and you won't listen to reason until it smacks you in the face. Even if it did, you'd probably smack it back. But you do know there's a rumor about him, don't you?"
I quirk a brow at her.
She leans in, her voice dropping so no one can hear her except me. "River was involved in some scandal a few years back. Something about a high-profile affair."
Okay, I'm slightly intrigued. I settle my face into the best impassive expression I can make. "Really? Who was it with?"
Millie shrugs. "Nobody knows for sure, but it was a big deal. Makes him even more mysterious, doesn't it?"
I bite my lip, the curiosity gnawing at me. "What do you mean by a big deal?"
Millie's eyes sparkle with mischief as she glances around. "Rumor has it, it wasn't just any affair. She was married, and not just to anyone—a senator. They say she was infatuated with him, practically throwing herself at him during a charity gala. The paparazzi almost caught them, but somehow, he managed to keep it under wraps."
My mind races, picturing the scene–River, with his smoldering eyes and rugged charm, caught in a heated moment with a powerful woman. The scandal, the secrecy, the sheer thrill of it all, is enough to make me giddy.
"Do you think it's true?" I finally ask, my tone whispery.
Millie smirks and pushes an errant lock of hair behind her ear. "Who knows? But it explains why he's so guarded, doesn't it? Always keeping to himself, never letting anyone get too close. It's like he's hiding something…some dark, delicious secret."
A swath of goosebumps erupts on my forearm. The image of River as a forbidden lover, tangled in a web of passion and danger, is irresistibly seductive. It makes me want him even more.
"God, can you imagine?" Millie continues, her eyes wide with excitement. "Being the one who breaks through that tough exterior? The one who gets to see the real River?"
I swallow hard, my mouth dry. I know it's just gossip, but the possibilities are tantalizing.
As we talk, my attention falls on a fresh wave of guests. Marcus, another one of my dad's friends, walks in. I mutter under my breath as I watch him approach River and engage him in conversation. This place has become a gathering for hot, handsome, and incredibly responsible men, and I… I'm in the mood for breaking some unspoken rules.
Millie snorts as she follows my gaze. "Be careful, Bella. The heart is a tricky thing."
I grin, feeling a rush of excitement. "I feel like living dangerously tonight."
The music changes, signaling the start of a waltz, and just then, River appears at my side. He extends his hand, a charming smile playing on his lips. "May I have this dance?"
Millie says something about needing a drink and disappears tactfully, one of the many reasons she's a girl's girl. I love her endlessly.
I place my hand in his. "I'd love to."
He leads me to the dance floor, and as we start to waltz, I lean into him, relishing the closeness, the scents of pine and woodsmoke, and how his hand is curled protectively around my waist. "You look stunning tonight," he says, his voice warm and sincere. "That dress is beautiful on you."
I blush. "Thank you. You're quite the charmer, aren't you?"
He chuckles, his grip on my waist tightening slightly as he guides me across the floor. "Only when I mean it. You're absolutely beautiful, Bella."
My heart races, but I do my best to play it cool—points for effort, at any rate. "You know, I've heard some interesting things about you tonight."
His eyebrow arches in curiosity. "Oh? Do tell."
I lean in, my voice playful. "Apparently, there's a rumor that you were involved in a scandalous affair a few years back."
He laughs, the sound rich and deep. "Ah, rumors. They do make life interesting, don't they?"
"Is it true?" I ask, looking up at him.
He meets my gaze, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I guess you'll have to dance with me again to find out."
This time, I don't have a reply. I'm too intoxicated.