Page 138 of The Striker (Gods of the Game 1)
“You’re diabolical,” she said when he left. “You can’tsaystuff like that and then pretend nothing happened!”
“Trust me. I know it happened.” My steel-hard erection was proof of that. Thank God I was standing at the bar, or I’d have some explaining to do. Hopefully, we could leave soon without making our intentions obvious. We’d stayed long enough. “I’m also serious. I don’t make promises I don’t keep.” Dark velvet touched my words.
Scarlett blushed again right as Vincent popped up out of fucking nowhere.
He took one look at her and frowned. “Why are you so red?” he asked. “Did you drink tequila again? Because you know you can’t handle that type of alcohol. Don’t think I forgot about the time you threw up over my brand-new Nintendo because you took one too many Jose Cuervo shots.”
“No,” she squeaked. “It’s not tequila. It’s just, um, really hot in here.”
I coughed out a laugh, and she kicked me under the bar. Hard.
“Okay, whatever.” Drunk Vincent didn’t question my proximity to his sister the way Sober Vincent would’ve. He barely glanced at me as he grabbed another pint from Mac. “Acting weirdall night,” he muttered on his way back to the dance floor.
Scarlett and I exchanged glances.
We had to tell Vincent about us soon, but I allowed myself to enjoy the night for what it was: a celebration with friends (and a new frenemy) after a hard-earned win.
The day had been a mess almost from the start, but I couldn’t deny that this was one of the best nights I’d had in a while.
It wasnormal, Scarlett was with me, and that was all I needed.
If someone told me at the beginning of the summer that Asher and Vincent would spend a night drinking and hanging out togetherpeacefully, I would’ve asked what they were smoking. The idea was absurd.
However, their brief truce on Saturday gave me hope that they could not only tolerate each other, but that they might actually be friends. They just had to set aside their pride and admit their rivalry was played out. At this point, they were holding on to their grudges for ego.
I didn’t say any of that to them. They had to figure it out themselves.
Vincent returned to Paris that morning to wrap up his affairs, but he’d be back next Monday. That meant Asher and I had one week left to enjoy our alone time together—or so I thought.
“I have some news,” Asher said, his face unusually somber as finished up practice.
I’d run through the first half ofLorena’sthird act after his training today. I hadn’t danced in Yvette’s place again during rehearsals since my disastrous debut, but I’d worked on the choreography in bits and pieces like Asher had suggested. So far,I wasn’t pushing myself past my limits, and I felt pretty good about my progress.
However, my thrill at nailing the third act faded at his tone.
“Good news or bad news?” I asked warily. If it was good news, he’d look happier, but if it was bad news, he’d be more upset. Right?
“It depends on how you look at it.” Asher rubbed a hand over his face. “I have to go to Japan this week. Aoki Watches is my biggest sponsor, and they want to fly me out to do some press and promo for the launch of their spring collection.” A grimace crossed his face. “I got the email from my manager this morning. We were originally supposed to shoot the promos later this year, but a scheduling conflict came up and they had to shift everything last minute.”
“Japan?” I sucked in a sharp breath. That wasn’t a quick trip to, say, France or Italy. That was halfway across the world. “How long is the trip?”
“Three days. I leave on Wednesday.”
Wednesday. That was in two days, which meant he’d be gone until Sunday. That ate up the full remainder of our time together before Vincent’s return.
“Oh.” I swallowed past the irrational lump in my throat. “That’ll be fun.”
I shouldn’t be upset. It wasn’t like I’d never see him again, and it was ridiculous to feel like Asher was abandoning me because it wasn’t hischoiceto leave.
At the same time, it was the end of an era. This summer had changed everything—my self-esteem, my willingness to leave my comfort zone, my relationship with others and myself. It was our little bubble against reality, and I wasn’t mentally ready for it to justendwithout a proper sendoff.
We had one week. I’d prepared for that. I’dplannedfor that. Now, we had two days, including today. Maybe not eventhat, since he probably needed to spend tomorrow packing and prepping for his trip.
Asher’s face clouded at whatever he heard in my voice. “Scarlett?—”