Page 106 of Chasing Caine
I slipped through the door into the narrow lobby, head down, focused on my phone. In my periphery, I scanned the space. As long as I didn’t draw attention to myself, it was unlikely anyone would stop me.
The front desk ran along the right side of the room with dim lamps and pigeon-holes on the back wall. One man in a black uniform clicked at a computer. He looked up, but meeting no request for information, returned to his business.
To the left, a small library with cushioned chairs.
I passed the end of the desk and an elevator when the sign for the stairs caught my attention. Thirty-eight was etched on Eva’s key, so I made my way to the third floor.
The stairs led to the middle of a long gray hallway, the hotel obviously extending above the restaurants on either side of the lobby. Small photos hung at regular intervals along the wall and artful room numbers in large white script adorned the black doors. Everything was clean, no lights were out.
A tall, broad man with short hair and a black T-shirt stood at a door in the direction I was heading. But on the odd number side, facing the back of the building. Was he going in? Coming out? His hand rested on the door handle, not actually doing anything. He turned slowly toward me and his eyes narrowed, causing my pace to slow.
I looked down only long enough to dial 1-1-3 on my phone and settle my finger over the send button. But when I squared my shoulders and leveled him with my most confident glare, his face spread into a smile.
“Samantha?” He straightened, releasing the door.
Bodyguard number two from the yacht? The one who stood guard while the doctor worked on my ankle then flew Antonio and me to Sorrento? “Jason?”
“Yes.” He spoke in English, not leaving the doorway. “This is a surprise.”
My heart thumped in my chest, and my eyes flicked around the space. What would a bodyguard working on an international yacht moored in Capri be doing here? Was he coming in or out of that room, or was it a cover?
Oh, no. Was Antonio’s story true? Had this guy threatened me at the restaurant and now was here to hurt me? No, Antonio would have recognized him last night.
“Surely you and Mr. Ferraro aren’t staying here?” He glanced at my feet. “How’s your ankle?”
I’d stopped one door away from Eva’s, two away from him. If I turned and ran for the stairwell, he’d catch me. My ankle was up for a lot of activity, but not a race. “What are you doing here?”
“Visiting a friend.” He gestured to the door.
“Who’s your friend? We might be visiting the same person.” I fished for information.
His smile faded. “I liked you better when you were in pain.”
Words like that were designed to make you uncomfortable, make you want to acquiesce. Surprisingly, I’d dealt with so many emotional reactions as an insurance adjuster, I was nearly immune to them. “Not surprising.”
The smile returned with a laugh. “I see why Dr. Ivan liked you. You’re funny.”
Funny wasn’t what I was aiming for.
Jason pulled a card from his pocket and waved it for me before placing it in front of the door lock. It clicked, and he pushed down on the handle. “Close friend.”
With a nod, he ducked into the room, and I was alone in the hallway again. Just me, the photos on the walls, and the hairs standing up on my neck.
Imusthavestoodfrozen in the hallway for five minutes, waiting to see if Jason came right back out. If he did, would he be armed?
With every passing second, my gut yelled louder and louder that I should have listened to Antonio. Trusted him. Left my emotional baggage behind and let the man into my heart.
Deep breath, Sam.I canceled the call on my phone and rubbed a hand over my face. What was Jason doing there? Should I turn around and go back to the villa like I’d told Antonio?
Despite it all, my logical brain was still telling me to move forward to the next door. Talk to Eva. Find out more about Océane and any possible link between her and Umberto.
But what was Jason doing here?
If he was sent to hurt me, surely he would have done something already, likely before he’d gone into the room. He wouldn’t have smiled and laughed while standing there. He would have done it while moving toward me.
My instincts never used to fail me, but since meeting Antonio, my entire world had tipped on its side. People lied and I didn’t notice. I’d been schemed and manipulated too many times over the last month.
It was time to put an end to that. Take control again.