Page 16 of Burning Caine
He shrugged, a practiced smile plastered on his face. “It’s still pretty fresh.”
Cass put the decorating spatula down and folded her arms. “So, if you didn’t like Cameron—”
“Such a flake.” I rolled my eyes as dramatically as I could.
“Never fear, I have another option for next weekend.”
“You what?”
“Yeah, another from the dating site.”
I put my hands up in front of me. “Cass, I’m done. I promised I’d be here until your treatments are finished, and I am. But me, living in Brenton isn’t permanent and no dating site can change that.”
“What if it goes longer or it doesn’t work, Sam?”
“Don’t go there.” I’d stay. It was that simple. As much as I hated Brenton, I was there as long as I was needed. Even if it meant helping Kevin raise the kids.
“C’mon, Sam.” Nathan leveled me with a serious look, snapping me out of a downward spiral. “Traveling from town to town every few weeks for the next storm, living out of your little RV, and only ever seeing your family on video chat is not good for you.”
I rounded on him. “Sounds rehearsed. Are you here to double-team me?”
“No, that’s my job,” said Kevin as he joined us. “He’s the triple threat.”
“Jesus Christ, you three!” How many times would I hear this lecture? “I like that life! I like moving around and seeing the country! Working as an independent adjuster is freeing! And it’s good money.”
Cass chimed in. “You’re not safe, you’re alone—”
“I’m happier alone.” I should have let the Italian introduce himself. No, I shouldn’t. I was only in town eight months. Cass would be fine by then. She had to be.
Nathan pinched my thigh and I jumped. “Do you get treated like that when you’re alone?”
“Jerk.” I tried to frown at him, but his stupid grin made me laugh. “Seriously, though, I’m perfectly happy by myself. Way less stress. You guys don’t understand how flustered I get around men!” The restaurant bar had been a humiliating disaster. Blushing, hands shaking, heart racing, unable to even look at him.
“You’re fine around me,” said Kevin.
“And me,” said Nathan.
I rubbed my palms on my pants, exhaling slowly. “You two don’t count. I’ve known you since I was like twelve. You’re not ‘men.’”
“Ooh, ouch!” Nathan tried to pinch me again, but I swatted his hand away.
“You need to get back on the horse some year.”
“No, Cass, I don’t.” I kept my eyes on Nathan, in case he was trying for a third.
Instead, he winked at me. “But seriously, no dates for Sam next weekend. She’s coming out with me.”
Cass tilted her head slowly, looking from him to me and back again. “Oh, really now?”
“I have reservations for The Train Station. It was supposed to be an anniversary surprise, but you know…No anniversary.”
“You two split up four months ago. Why didn’t you cancel them?” asked Kevin.
Nathan shrugged. “I was hoping, you know.”
I leaned over and gave him a quick squeeze. “Sucks, doesn’t it?”
“Well, I figured I could commiserate with a fellow divorcée. Get some advice or something.”