Page 62 of Burning Caine
That hadn’t occurred to me, although it was common for high-value artwork. “I expect someone would have mentioned it?”
“Assume everyone’s either omitting or lying about something, Sam.”
“I could pass it over to SIU?” I suggested.
“Teach a person to fish,” said Harry, winking at me as he handed over the sheet with his notes. “Get it on the go, Sam. We’ll do an ISO search for you, in case there are any other claims which could be related, whether through Foster or any other insurance company. The system would have done that automatically for fraud flags, but we all know how well that went, so we may spot something it didn’t.”
“You’ve got a nose for this, hun,” added Quinn. “Maybe you should leave claims and join our department.”
“I warned you, Quinn.” Harry frowned at her. “Cut it out.”
Chapter 26
Ihesitated,handonthe door to the Ferraro’s office. I’d promised David an update on the Chagall by end of the week. Friday at five o’clock was last-minute, but perfect. Surely Antonio wouldn’t be there at that hour.
Sofia looked up from behind her two-tier desk as I stepped through the door. She flicked her eyes back to the studio, then quickly smiled as she came around to give me cheek kisses and led me to the waiting area. Not a word. The music today was opera. My heart ached at the sorrow in the soprano’s voice.
“I know it’s late. I was hoping to get a status update on my Chagall.”
“Let me check with Antonio. I’ll be right back.”
Shit. He was there.
She returned a moment later and ushered me to the couches. She sat next to me, putting an arm on the back, forcing a casual air. “He’ll be about fifteen minutes. He needs to finish what he’s doing and get your painting out of the storage room.”
“Thanks.” I reached for one of the magazines on the table, but she didn’t leave the couch.
“What have you been up to since Wednesday?”
“Work.” I shrugged, holding the magazine on my lap. Always the same answer to that question. “I’ve been busy.”
“And why the surprise visit?”
I rubbed a palm across my pants. “I promised the policyholder an update by the end of the week. So, here I am. End of the week.”
She nodded.
“I was expecting Antonio would already have left by now.” I looked down at the magazine.
“Then why come if you didn’t think he’d be here?”
I shrugged again, gripping the magazine so I wouldn’t start rubbing my face. “I thought someone else would be able to show it to me.”
“Everyone else left an hour ago. He and I are the only ones left.”
Oh no.
Antonio poked his head around the waiting room wall long enough to speak. “I have the painting out. You can come back to the studio.”
Putting on my best professional smile, I stood, while my stomach tied in knots.
Sofia touched me lightly on the arm. “Samantha, I have to leave soon. Would your boyfriend be alright with you being here alone with him? If not, I understand, and I’ll stay.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend.” What was I walking into? Would it be flirtatious Antonio? Professional Antonio?
The painting lay on one of the worktables. He was again in faded jeans and a gray t-shirt, which moved like it was made of silk, highlighting his muscled shoulders and chest.