Page 68 of Burning Caine
The lump moved south, taking residence in my lungs, which started to heave.
“Would you finally say yes tonight?”
“Well, I guess our assigned seats are together?” I couldn’t just sayyes, could I? I had to make a lame joke.
“Samantha.” He rolled the syllables of my name again, extending the crook of his elbow to me, the last of my resistance melting away. “Please? Or must I beg?”
I slid my arm through his, attempting to remain calm while he held it against his warm body.Him? Begging forme?
“Sofia believes I’ve made you uncomfortable.” He shook his head while we leaned on the railing and watched the fountain. “That was not my goal.”
“Well, I haven’t hit you yet, so it hasn’t been that bad.” I chuckled, hiding the truth of how uncomfortable he made me. Not in a bad way, but I couldn’t exactly tell him.
“That wouldn’t end up well for me, I expect. You are quite strong.” He trailed a finger along the slope of my arm, up to my shoulder. When I pulled away, he put his hand in his pocket. “I’m making you uncomfortable again.”
“I’ve finished half your dissertation.” I studied the river, the sun’s reflection dancing across the surface.
“And? Did it put you to sleep?”
I suppressed a laugh, shaking my head. “And it’s fascinating. I’m at the part where you’re identifying the particular strains of bacteria you wanted to focus on, viability for vertical surface applications, and possible long-term risks.”
He leaned closer to me, eyes wide. “You are actually reading it?”
“Of course I am!”
“Perhaps someday we’ll go to Pompeii, and I’ll show you how it’s done for real. Would you like that?” He looked serious, but it was obviously a ridiculous joke, so I frowned and rolled my eyes. He laughed and leaned his shoulder against mine. “You did say it was at the top of your bucket list.”
“I did, but if I were going to go, I’d travel with a friend instead of someone I barely know.”
“Come now, Samantha. I thought we were becoming friends. Was I wrong?”
Friends. I maintained my focus on the fountain. “Do you usually tell your friends they’re the most beautiful woman in the world?”
He waved a dismissive hand. “No, not usually.”
I exhaled sharply and hung my head.
“Oh, Samantha.” He placed an arm around my shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze before I could wriggle out of it. “You are too serious.”
“You know, I’ve heard that once or twice.”
“But ifImay take a moment to be serious?” He leaned against me again. “I would like to be clear on two things. One, my date is the most beautiful woman here. And two, a wise person told me friendship should come first.”
“First?” Heat rose in my cheeks. I kept my focus on the fountain while he continued smiling at me.
“Uncomfortable again. I shall have to work on that.” He straightened, offering his elbow. “Come, let’s go to the auction room. There are two paintings my father wants me to choose between, and I would appreciate your opinion on them.”
The expansive dining area contained over a hundred tables set for twelve apiece. White fabric draped across the ceiling, below the level of the dimmed lights, casting a million shadows around the subdued room. The tables were set with black cloth, gold plates, and simple crystal stemware, crowned with bouquets of white roses and hydrangea. Soft string music carried through the room from speakers hidden behind the decorations.
During dinner, we kept our heads together. We barely touched the food, as we worked on learning as much as we could about each other. On becoming friends.When the meal was over, the music shifted and the DJ took charge.
“That’s interesting,” I said. “I expected a live band.”
“They used to have one but changed two years ago and it was a success. She’s an up-and-comer, but you won’t see her truly shine until the after-party at midnight.”
After-party? I wasn’t an after-party kind of person. But I’d be willing to stay out all night with Antonio, talking, smiling, and laughing until my sides hurt. This was much better than rejecting his invitations.
I watched the crowd dancing but remained focused on the man next to me. When a slow song started, Antonio stood, straightened his jacket, and held out a hand. “May I have the honor of this dance?”