Page 74 of Burning Caine
Again, the shallow answer. She was more irritated than I had thought. This was my moment to share, though. My moment for as much honesty as I could give. “I would spend the time with my family, with those I love. I would give them all the time they need to say everything they want to say, so there are no regrets for them when I’m gone.”
“Life is about love.” I smiled, a warmth spreading through my chest, imagining a future with her, spending my last two hours with her. Sofia would tell me to slow down, but I didn’t care. “Without love, what is the value of life?”
“You can love yourself.”
“And do you love yourself enough for two people?” I snuck a brief sidelong glance as she turned her face to the window again.
She was quiet for several minutes. “What do you look for in love?”
A surprisingly open question, coming from her.
“Someone who chooses time with me when they have two hours left. And you?”
“I don’t know,” she whispered, shaking her head slightly. “I have a shitty track record.”
“We have that in common.” I patted her thigh. I had meant it as a sign of empathy, but all the blood in my body lurched to my core, and I had to resist pulling the car over. Had to resist sliding my hand under her dress, between her legs. I rubbed slowly with my thumb, a reel of images flashing through my brain as her body tensed the same way mine had.
This was only date two. Control. Friends first. I returned the hand to the steering wheel and gave her a smile, shaking my head.
“I prefer to see you happy than sad, bella.” I started asking simple, small questions, designed to get to know her. The same conversations I had had with a hundred different women, trying to find the needle in the haystack.
All too soon, we reached the address in the GPS. No house, no apartment. It was a hotel. “I think you entered the wrong address.”
“Pull up to the front door.”
“You live…”
“In a hotel, yeah. Extended stay.” The blush crept up her cheeks again and she reached for the door handle once I had pulled into a space by the door.
“No, wait.” I rounded to her side and opened the car door, offering a hand to help her up. As she stood, I stepped back and enveloped her hand with both of mine. I bowed my head to it and kissed the back, my lips lingering on her flesh, imagining for a brief moment it was other parts of her body. When I couldn’t stand it any longer, I brought her hand to my chest, so she could feel the strong muscles and my racing heart. So she would know it was not just words.
“This was a special night for me, and I thank you, Samantha Caine. You have enchanted me, and I hope to see you again soon.”
My brain knew it was date two, but the rest of my body protested.
“I guess you’d better hurry up with the painting, so there’s a reason for me to come back to your office!” She blurted out, likely uncomfortable with her hand on me, but she didn’t try to move it.
I laughed softly, time losing all meaning.I released her hand with one of mine and touched her glorious cheek, brushing it lightly with my thumb. I leaned in and touched my cheek to hers and then to the other, kissing the air instead of her. It was a casual gesture, something I did with family and friends, but it was different with her. Different than it had been with any other woman. I thought to remove her hand from my chest, so she wouldn’t know the impact she had on me. But I left it there, allowing her to feel how her presence caused the blood to surge through my body. Feel my desire for her. My longing.
I traced her jawline as I finished and let go of her hand on my chest. She held it there a moment longer, staring at it, her own breath becoming deeper.
She was already mine.
But I had to focus on her heart. Gathering all my willpower, I took her hand and escorted her to the entrance.The glass doors slid open as we approached.
“Goodnight,” she breathed, holding my gaze.
“Sogni d’oro, bella.” I cupped the back of her neck and pulled closer, placing a tender kiss on her cheek. She inhaled sharply, and I closed my eyes, wanting more. As I withdrew, her mouth turned toward mine, but she was slow and I was stubborn.
“Sweet dreams to you, too.” She stared a moment longer, her eyes on my mouth, then she turned on her heel and entered the hotel.
Once she was inside the building, she waved to the staff at the front desk, stopping to pick some envelopes up from them. Before vanishing farther into the building, she turned to face me. She hesitated, chewing on her lower lip. Was she going to come back outside? Ask for that kiss? Invite me in? How stubborn could I be if any of that happened?
Heat and hardness settled in my core as I stared at her, neither of us moving, but clearly wanting to. Not very stubborn, it would appear. I took a step and the front doors slid open, ushering me forward.
She startled and looked at her small clutch, ripping her phone out of it to answer. Her whole body deflated. The moment had passed, at least for her. One final glance back at me, a wave, and she continued along her path inside, away from me.