Page 94 of Burning Caine
“Tell her later. This morning is for us.”
My heart skipped. “Us?”
He turned around, looking in the back seat. Opened the glove box and pulled down the visor. “No one else here I can see. Unless you’re planning on meeting someone else on our hike?”
I’d never run into anyone there before. What part of my brain had planned that? Probably the part reacting to his sugar-coated chest and hiding things under my first aid kit.
“You know, bella, this is the first time I have ever been driven by my date. I don’t think I like this.”
“I was stunned you drove a Maserati out on those rural roads Wednesday. I expected you to call and say your car had died.”
“Never underestimate the power of an Italian engine.” His perpetual smirk ratcheted up from flirtatious to suggestive. Yeah, that was the part of my brain that made this plan.
I shook my head. “Trust me, the road we’re hitting would chew your car up and spit it out.”
“Sì, and where is that?”
I opened the large moonroof and put on my sunglasses. “You know, Michigan’s a state of water. No matter where you are, you’re never more than six miles from some lake or river. There’s a trail about fifty miles west of Brenton that leads to an old fishing spot on the Grand River with a little sandy beach on it. Problem is—no vehicle access. It’s a three-mile hike after a four-mile drive over terrain that’s difficult even for my truck.”
“How do you know it?”
“I was working a claim out near there last year when I was in town for a big hail deployment. Another adjuster I worked with told me, and I’ve been three times so far. It’s my favorite spot.”
“Sounds like an adventure.”
“So much of an adventure, we aren’t going on a date today.”
Eyes on the road, I made my triumphant announcement. “This is Survival Training 101!”
“You are kidding me?”
“You are a clever woman.” He grabbed his travel mug and took another sip of coffee. “Perhaps too clever for me.”
“There’s a distinct possibility you’re right.”
Chapter 37
“It’sbeautifulhere.”Igazed in awe at the trees and plants, listening to the squirrels chattering in the trees and the birds flitting about. How had I never done this before?
“Yeah, peaceful.” She closed her eyes briefly as we walked along the narrow path, barely wide enough for the two of us.
Pursuing Samantha was a delicate balance. Push hard enough to find her boundary, go slightly beyond, then step back and wait for her to become comfortable. Like a waltz. Our kiss had been a substantial push, and she was not yet comfortable with it. Although she brought me somewhere special to her. She was almost there.
“So, what shall we talk about today, bella?”
“What’s your idea of a perfect day?”
“Easy question. Spending the day in bed with a beautiful woman.”
“Sleeping?” She rolled her eyes almost as often as my sister did.
“Breakfast in bed, making love, reading, making love, watching a movie, mak—”