Page 110 of Enduring Caine
“Then get out.” She didn’t spare me a look, focused on wrapping her shirt around Leo’s arm. “Part of me wants to laugh at the irony. He was shot in the arm and passed out.”
I chuckled. “That’s what he gets for making fun of me?”
“Exactly.” She looked back at me, the flashlight casting deep shadows against her face. “You can’t climb up, can you?”
“No,” I laughed, continuing to hold on to the edge. “Although the temperature of the water is reducing the pain somewhat. How long does it take for hypothermia to kick in?”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “In this water? Probably hours.”
Someone burst through the bottom of the secret passage, and I craned my head to look. A man with another flashlight and a gun.
“Henri?” said Samantha.
The chef carried a gun?
“Cazzo,” he muttered. Everyone spoke Italian here, but he’d always sworn in French. He ran around the edge of the pool, to Leo’s side. “E says thanks for the photo.”
Samantha’s head snapped up, as did mine. “What?” we said in unison.
“Say no more,” he said.
“How did you know—” Samantha began, but Henri made a slicing motion across his throat. She looked over at me, the discussion between us clear: Elliot Skinner had told her the TPC had someone inside. Vincenzo had told her it was him, so she easily fell into his trap. And we’d misread every suspicious moment with Henri. He was the undercover TPC operative.
“Vincenzo was working for Fiori,” I said.
Samantha inclined her head toward the black tube, lying next to Leo’s flashlight. “I helped him take a painting from the gallery and he was meeting someone here so they could take it to him.”
Henri nodded, looking pointedly at her. “He forced you? Held you at gunpoint?”
I said intentionally, “Sì, that’s exactly what happened.”
“But I retrieved the painting before they made it out,” she said.
“Good. That will help when this one wakes up.” Henri took over pressure on Leonardo’s injury.
Samantha whispered, “Vincenzo killed Johann.”
Henri’s body went rigid. He closed his eyes and took one long breath. “He’s not getting away with that.”
Facts clicked into place. Henri and Johann spending so much time together in the kitchen. Johann, his constant companion to the village. Add to that Henri’s intense reaction and it was clear they’d been working together all along.
Samantha came over to help me out of the water. When I was out, lying on the walkway and shivering, she kissed me. Soft, gentle, and brief. “You know I was making up all that stuff with Vincenzo, right?”
More voices sounded from the passageway. This time, several of them.
Henri said, “The reinforcements are almost here.”
“Stronger together, amore.” It took more effort than it should, but I sat up, stripped off my wet shirt, and handed it to her. “Although I’d rather you were in more than your bra and lounge pants when they get here.”
Chapter 48
Thenextmorning,Ifinished braiding my hair and wrapped the end with an elastic. My eyes were sore and skin sallow. One short—but very deep—sleep would not be enough to make up for last night.
Antonio’s arm snaked around my waist from behind, grimacing at me in the mirror as he lay his head on my shoulder. “No one’s come knocking so far this morning, so I suspect we’re alright.”
I pressed my cheek against his and closed my eyes, inhaling his intoxicating scent. Leaning back against his chest to feel his heart beating. “I hope Leo’s okay.”